I couldn't wait for this to come, I know it's the new must have paint out here in blogland and now I know why!! LOVE IT! I ordered Paris grey and old white for now and the clear wax. My son's room was the first to get "chalked"!
I was so excited to get started I forgot about taking before shots!
The shelf above his dresser my dad made for me years ago and was stained the same color as his dresser. I did that in the old white and added the clear wax. Next was the narrow dresser in the corner, I had already painted that once before a red but it was to dark so I first painted it in the old white and then brushed on the Paris grey but I let a lot of the white come through.
Here's a better look. I love how the red comes through after I distressed it.
I'm thinking of painting his nightstand in the old white, what do you think?
Even the picture frame got chalked!! I love this stuff!
Now I see why everyone raves about this stuff. I think it's the best paint on the market to paint furniture, and I love how fast it dries. That's a good thing for impatient me!!
Have a great Memorial Day weekend, Martina
Joining the parties@ http://frenchcountrycottage.blogspot.com/
Weekly Wednesday Wish List #191
56 minutes ago