Thursday, March 14, 2013

Romantic Homes Magazine

 I'm still pinching myself!! 
Back in December I was contacted by Beth Livesay from Romantic Homes magazine asking if I would like to be featured! Of course I said YES!! She asked me to send her some pictures and said they would be going in the April issue. 
 I was so excited, but was afraid to share this news with you guys just in case I was dreaming all of this LOL!
I know a lot of you already saw this because I received quite a few emails saying congrats :)
I was so happy to be sharing the page with my friend Mary Alice from the blog Chateau-Chic!
I want to give a Big Thanks to Beth Livesay from Romantic Homes for contacting me and featuring  me in their magazine! Beth you made my year!!


1 Traditions By The Seasons said...

WOW, congratulations, friend! What an honor. Your home is gorgeous, so I am not surprised one bit. Can't wait to pick up a copy.

C O N G R A T S!! xoxo ~Liz

2 Deserae said... so deserve it!!!! I can't wait to pick up my copy now!!!!!

3 Unknown said...

Wow!!!! Congrats on the feature. How exciting and such a dream come true.


4 Kelly said...

So wonderful! I saw it when I got the magazine. Congrats!

5 Jen said...

Congrats! I'll definitely have to get that April issue. Love your home.

Anonymous said...

Hi Martina,
Congrats on your beautiful home featured in the Romantics Home magazine! Ilove your blog!

7 Melissa said...

Congratulations Martina, what an honor! You truly deserve it!!

8 Holly Hollyson @ Full of Beans and Sausages said...

Really fantastic, congratulations!

9 Ron said...

Exciting! Isn't it fun to see your hard work and beautiful decor featured for all to see. Doing my "happy dance" for YOU. xo

10 Linda@Coastal Charm said...

WOW!!! Congrats my friend...I am so very happy for you:)


11 Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Congratulations!!!! I am so thrilled for you, what a fabulous honor. Hugs, Marty

12 Unknown said...

That is SOOOO fantastic Martina! I am so happy for you! Your home is lovely and you deserve the Cover!

13 Something Nice and Pretty said...

How wonderful Martina! So very happy for you!

14 Moni - Zuhaus at Home said...

Congratulations Martina, I'm thrilled your beautiful home is featured in the happy for you!!

15 Stacey said...

Congratulations! Your home is so beautiful you definitely deserve to be in a magazine. :)

16 Shenita @ Embellishments by SLR said...

What wonderful news, Martina! You so deserve it! Your home is beautiful.

17 Laura @ duke manor farm said...

Oh this is exciting!! I am so happy for you!

18 Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Congrats again, Martina.

19 Blondie's Journal said...

Hurray for you! You deserve to be in it! I have to pick the copy up today!


20 Mary said...

Martina, that is so exciting! Congratulations!

21 Number Fifty-Three said...

I am so excited for you, Martina! I cannot wait to see the issue.

Angela @ Number Fifty-Three

22 Leslie Harris said...

whoo hoo!!!!Great news, and how exciting! I'm so happy for you Martina, you deserve all the recognition you get!
Leslie (Gwen Moss)

23 Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

Congratulations...soooo happy for YOU!!!

24 Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I know! : ) I saw you and Mary Alice. Congratulations, Martina! You must have been so excited to get that email. You picked out great pictures to showcase, too.

25 Unknown said...

Wow!!! Congratulations Martina. How exciting!!! :-) Your home is beautiful...
Hugs, Gee

26 Anita Diaz said...

Wow Martina, that is just awesome!! Congratulations to you!!

27 Olive said...

Yayness Martina! How wonderful to be in Romantic Homes Magazine. xo, olive

28 Unknown said...

Wonderful! I will be sure to pick up my copy soon. Congratulations.

29 Brandi said...

Congratulations, Martina!

30 chateau chic said...

Martina, I couldn't be happier sharing a page with you, my friend!! You're so sweet to mention me in your post. Congratulations again!!
Mary Alice

31 Lisa @ Texas Decor said...

Wow! Congrats! You should be very proud! Love your blog!

32 Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

Martina...I have the magazine and your feature was fantastic...Congrats!!...Well deserved recognition!

33 Linda said...

Congratulations Martina!! How did you ever keep it a secret??

34 Rosemary@villabarnes said...

I saw your feature, Martina. Congrats!!!!! Beth is such a great person to work with.

35 Maria Elena said...

Congratulations, Martina!!! So well deserved! I am so very happy for you! I have to get this issue!

Anonymous said...

Martina! Oh, congratulations to you! I'm not surprised as your home and your decorating is fantastic! I'm so proud for you.
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

37 Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said...

Congratulations! So exciting!

38 NanaDiana said...

Congrats- That is one of my posts in the next couple of days! I am proud to say I know you!!!! xo Diana

39 Jennifer @ Dimples and Tangles said...

Woo Hoo! How exciting! So happy for you, Martina!

40 Sarah said...

Martina, congratulations! Can't wait to go get a copy. I follow Chateau-Chic as well. So happy for both of you.

41 Kristi said...

That is SO EXCITING Martina!!! And YAY for you!!! I can't wait to get YOUR copy! :) You soooo deserve it! :)

42 Sharon Lee Johnson said...

Hearty congratulations and very well-deserved for all the effort you put into your beautiful home!! xx Sharon

43 Shabby chic Sandy said...

Congrats--that is awesome!

44 DIYbyDesign said...

Martina, that is so awesome. Congratulations! I bet you're over the moon with excitement!

45 Bliss said...

Another star is born. I see you are famous all the way to Japan!


46 Cynthia said...

Congrats!! I am thrilled for you.


47 Cindy said...

Congratulations! That is so very exciting! I am going to be in the June issue!! Isn't it wonderful, what blogging has brought to us? So many friends and opportunities,
you have a wonderful blog, I'm glad Beth say it and appreciated it for what it is.
Hugs, Cindy

48 Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Congrats! I saw the article...I always tell my hubby, oh, another one of MY bloggers is in the magazine!!

49 Sue said...

Congratulations Martina. That is thrilling indeed. And so well deserved.

50 Tammy @ A Walk in the Countryside said...

Congratulations! I'll bet you're tickled pink!

51 Jemma@athomewithjemma said...


Wishing you the best and continued success with your blog!!


52 ANNE said...

WOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! So fabulous and you so deserve it!!!


53 At The Picket Fence said...

Congratulations Martina!!! That is just so exciting and I am thrilled for you! :-)

54 Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Way to go, Martina! Looks fab in the magazine....I'll be looking for it today! Linda

55 Debbie @ MeandMyDIY said...

Congratulations Martina! Yippee!! You so deserve that feature. Well done!


56 must love junk said...

So exciting! Congrats :)

57 Anita at Cedar Hill said...

Congrats!! It was a beautiful article and I am so happy for you!!

58 Calypso In The Country said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you!

59 Linda@Coastal Charm said...

Stopping by to let you know that your link at my party last week was the #3 most viewed link by my viewers...congrats!!


60 Sonya@Beyond the Screen Door said...

Martina! Thanks wonderful! Congratulations!!!

61 Suzanne said...

Wow! So exciting! I'm so happy for you!

62 Kristen said...

Soooooo exciting!!! I'm so happy for you! Love u cuz! Kristen

63 Designing Domesticity said...

Congratulations. How exciting! Thanks for sharing, liz

64 foreverdecorating said...

Oh congratulations to you! I will go out tomorrow and look for this magazine!

65 Anne said...

I just saw this!!! Congratulations Martina so happy for you! Your home is so beautiful!I was thrilled to see your lovely home grace the pages of this magazine! Just got my copy the other day and finally had time to sit down and read it!


66 Debbiedoos said...

What the what what, happy for you Martina. I have been so out of the loop this past month I missed this. I am so very happy for you my friend. XO Congrats and well deserved.

67 pam {simple details} said...

Oh my goodness, so excited for you!! Congratulations Martina, what an honor!

68 Mariaelena said...

Oh my gosh!!!...we've been so busy that I haven't even seen this!!!...SO HAPPY & Proud of you!!!....It's a dream come true!!
xo, Mariaelena

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