Made my weekly ( I mean occasional) trip to Home Goods and scored a few great bargains! First I came across this pretty basket with a vase in it. I just saw something similar in Target for $30 mine was only $7.99!! I am using it in my kitchen for now, added a little greenery to it and it makes a pretty vignette on top of my island.
Next was this pretty figurine that reminds me of a Santos statue. I thought she was so pretty I couldn't pass her up and wait till I tell you what I paid for it. It was marked $32 and there was a red clearance tag on it, ya ready........... it was only $5.00!!
Her new home is on my end table in my living room.
So what good bargains have you gotten recently, I would love to here about them!Have a great weekend, Martina
We are finally getting gorgeous weather here in NY the past 3 days has been in the eighties! All the trees are really starting to bloom and it looks so beautiful, especially after the winter we had! Yesterday I spent all afternoon working in the yard doing some much needed clean up, and of course I had to stop to take some photos to share with you :)
This is one of our flowering plum trees that we have in the front of our house. Mr. Northern planted all the daffodil bulbs around the trees a few years ago and each year they get fuller and fuller.
Forsythias that we planted in our wooded area in the front.
Daffodils in the front island
Just planted the patunias in the urn we have in our back yard, I can't wait to see them in a few weeks.
We planted these three Yoshino Cherry trees in our back yard about 5yrs ago, by this weekend they should be in full bloom.
The bees were buzzing around me when I took this one.
All photos were taken using my Nikon D5000 and some were softened using picnik.
Happy Monday everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful Easter and weekend! I am pooped but so glad to be back! How many of you out there are like me when it comes to making a change, and once you make one it always leads to another! Well that's what happened after we finished our latest project the kitchen island. I had this valance in my kitchen that I purchased from country curtains a few years now. I still like it but wanted a change. I couldn't find anything that I really wanted for in here so I found material in Hobby Lobby that I really liked and I used my favorite natural ribbon from there too and had a valance made. Oh how I envy all you out there that know how to sew! I took it to our dry cleaners and the owner is also a seamstress, I explained the look I wanted and this is what she came up with. I love it and the best part is she only charged me $25!! I think I did good.
Here's the Before
And here's the After
Another change was my rooster rug that I had in front of my sink. I love it but being black I was vaccuming it everyday sometimes twice a day because it showed everything and that made me crazy! So I decided to go with a natural fiber rug that I ordered online from Rugs USAand I did a runner this time.Sorry for the poor before picture.
Thanks so much for stopping by, I always love your visits and sweet comments! Have a great week, Martina
Taking a little blogging break this week due to the kids being home and having a busy week with family coming for Easter. I'll be checking in when I have a chance just no posting. I hope I don't have withdrawls (LOL)!! Wishing you all a Very Happy Easter and Passover.
Hi guys I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, we had rain yesterday but today was beautiful! For the longest time now I have wanted to add beadboard and paint my kitchen island black to give it more of a custom look. You all know I am not afraid to paint something but I talked it over with the hubby and we both agreed to have the door fronts and drawer fronts done by a professional, since I'm a cleaning freak and always wiping down the cabinets I wanted to make sure it had a good strong finish on it. The hubby and I did the rest, we added the beadboard around the three sides and then added some decorative molding to the corners and a wide base molding to the bottom. The painter gave me the left over paint and I painted everything else. First time I ever painted with an oil based paint, boy those fumes could make you a little loopy (LOL)!! So this was what we worked on all day yesterday, I was up until 3am painting, yes I know I'm nuts but when I get something in my head I just want to get it finished! I LOVE LOVE how it turned out, lets go see....
Here's the BEFORE...
Close up of the distressing
One more BEFORE....
I am so happy with the new look!! As always I love reading all your comments, they make my day! Have a great week, Martina
I am so honored that my dear friend Kim over @ is featuring my blog today! I've been friends with Kim since RMS and that's been a few years now. I just want her to know how much I appreciate all the support she has shown since I started blogging!
This past weekend our church held their annual Spring Tag Sale and my mom volunteered both days for it. My mom and I have similar taste so we always know what each other would like. She came across these two silver pieces and knew I would love them, so she snatched them right up and bought them for me. She knew they wouldn't last, the pretty silver pitcher was only marked $5 and the cute silver candy dish was only $3. She even bought me the pretty tulips to put in it. Love You, Mom xoxo
I love this time of day when the sunshine streams through the windows and leaves beautiful reflections!
I just love how the sun's reflection makes a room look, how about you? Well I'm glad I took these when I did because today is gray, gloomy and raining! Hope your having nicer weather then me. Martina