Monday, August 31, 2015

"2015" Disney Vacation

 Hi there friends....
I really missed you guys!!
I enjoyed my summer blogging family and I had a busy but fabulous time!
We entertained quite a bit with family and younger two did a few camps and then we finished off the summer with an awesome trip to Disney World!
Not happy schools starting next week:-(
We stayed in Disney at the Yacht Club Resort...what a beautiful resort!


 A few pics of the inside...

 The beautiful pool area...the bottom of the pool was felt so good on your feet.

We saw beautiful sunsets almost every night.

Had fun at the parks...

 Victoria enjoyed meeting all the characters...
she had a lot of fun swapping pins too...that's why she has the lanyard around her neck.

We had dinner in Cinderella's castle one night...our table was right near the window which gave us perfect view of the fireworks!

We saw great shows...

Went on scary rides...the kids that is not me!!

Great vacation...
 Happy Family!!!

Now that summer is coming to an end maybe I can get back into the blogging groove!

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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Share Your Style #28

Hi there friends...
Welcome to this weeks Share Your Style!
This weeks host is Lynn from The Vintage Nest!
My family and I just got back this Monday from a fabulous week long trip to Disney World!
We had so much fun...even though we felt like we were melting from the extreme heat!! I can't believe school starts in two more weeks:-( 
where did the summer go!
Now on with the party!

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My name is Lynn and I am the author of the blog, The Vintage Nest, and today I am your host for the

 Share Your Style party

 Welcome! ~~~~  Share your link on one blog and it will also be on seven others....great exposure for your blog and inspiration.   We love that you are here and delight in all that you SHARE with us.   We hope that you will visit other blogger post.  You may find a new recipe that you just have to try, a new bloggy friend,  a project to do this week, or inspiration for an Autumn vignette. 
 And please add a link back to the party on your post.  :)

This week on a blog post I explained a little bit about pickling, white washing or liming furniture.  I took you thru the process that I use on a vintage pine cabinet.  I hope you will check out the post here.

As always, it's terribly hard to pick out just a few features for you.  I spent hours looking at all the beautiful posts.  Here are a few that really caught my eye.  Enjoy and if you were featured please grab the button below to post on your blog.  :)


On the blog Bringing French Country Home, Pat shares some late summer blooms  in her garden.   My garden is waning right now, especially with no rain lately, and I enjoyed her post and beautiful photos so much.  Thank you Pat.

Is this the cutest vignette ever??  Michelle of Dandelion Patina, shared how she made a lounger out of hay bales.  How charming for your front porch for Fall, right up on to Thanksgiving.  Thank you Michelle for this charming inspiration.

Sarah gave us the basics of canning.  With summer's bounty coming in in full swing right now, I loved that she shared her knowledge with us.  It's so healthy for you!  Not to mention so pretty sitting on the shelves in your kitchen.  You can find her post on her blog  Must Have Mom.

LZ of Summery Umbrella, shows us how to make the cutest branch ladder.  Perfect for an Autumn  vignette on your front porch or yard, on a screen porch holding some throws for those chilly nights or just as she shows,  which family photos.  It's so cute LZ.

And Briana of the Bargain Briana blog, shared with us how to make this adorable crayon wreath.  Now, wouldn't your kids think you are the best Mom on the block with this on the front door for the first week of school or on a school teacher's class room door?  Thank you Briana for this delightful project.

Let's Party!!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Share Your Style #26

 Hi there friends...
Welcome to another Share Your Style!!
This weeks host is Debra from Common Ground!

Let's get this party started!!
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Hi Everyone, 
Welcome to Share Your Style #26!
We're so glad you're here to join in for the fun.
and I'm your host for this week's party!

Checking back this last week on Common Ground, I finally got around to sharing my Kitchen Sitting Area for Late Summer. Then, I put together a few pics from my photo gallery for A Look-back for Late Summer Inspiration and changed things up a bit in My Entry with a Vintage Sunflower Print. Hope you'll come by to visit if you haven't had a chance to catch up.

Last week's Party had a huge turnout, so thanks for coming by to share all the fun links!
Here are just a few in case you missed them:

Amazing Furniture Distressing Tutorial at Anne's Attic

A lovely Cottage Garden Tour from Dagmar's Home

Container Gardening with my favorite,
an Antique Buggy at Penny's Vintage Home

then, Suzan shares a little love letter on the dresser

Love this Vintage Shop Light Lantern
from Diana at Adirondack Girl at Heart

and top it off with some wonderful
at CoconutHead Survival Guide.

If you've been featured here at Share Your Style,
 be sure and grab the button below, for your sidebar.

Link up all your Projects, DIY, Decor, Home Tours, Inspiration, Recipes;
Anything that's got Style.

Please be sure and put a link back to your party host to be featured.
When you link up here, you'll be seen on these 8 blogs.

Share Your Style

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
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