Saturday, July 2, 2011


In honor of the July 4th weekend, I thought we could start this weekend off with a "BANG" and have a giveaway!

           I'll be giving away this pretty birdcage cloche on a stand.

                                There's 3 ways to enter!
1- Leave me a comment

2- Become a follower and leave me a comment that you did

3- Post my giveaway on your blog linking it back to me and leave me a comment that you did

       Remember leave 3 separate comments, I'll use the Random  Generator to pick the the winner Good Luck & Happy 4th of July!


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 238   Newer›   Newest»
1 Sam | Away She Went said...

That's so cute! I want it!

2 Tiffany said...

Love that!! Hope I win! :)

3 Tiffany said...

I'm a follower!

4 Emily said...

love it!!! hope I win!

5 Emily said...

I am a happy follower!

6 Ladytink_534 said...

How cute! I have the perfect spot for this.


7 Ladytink_534 said...

I'm a GFC follower: Ladytink_534

8 Pam@OurAdventuresInHomeImprovement said...

What a great giveaway! I love it and hope I win! :)


9 Pam@OurAdventuresInHomeImprovement said...

Yes, I am definitely a follower and love your blog!


Anonymous said...

So pretty - it would fit right in with my other bird themed items! Thanks Martina!

11 Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

That's so great, Martina! I just saw Marty's post for a cloche party so won't this come in handy!

12 Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I am already a follower!

13 Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I've posted you on my sidebar, Martina, with a link back here.

Anonymous said...

I have posted about your great giveaway!

15 marilynl said...

I love your blog. Choose me!

16 janice15 said...

How adorable, just became your newest follower... I wish you a great day...I'm a new blogger @

17 Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh that is totally perfect. I love, love, love it. What a great giveaway. Now I can't wait o see what you do for the party. Hugs, Marty PS, I will do a post about your giveaway tomorrow and put it on my sidebar.

18 Brenda Pruitt said...

I love it! I am a Follower already. (Would you mind telling me how you numbered your comments? I did it once and then something happened to the code. And I haven't found one tutorial that works since!)

19 Lisa said...

Oh my goodness! I love birds and I've wanted a cloche for a long time! This one is just lovely!

20 Katie @ Wildwood Creek said...

I'm your newest follower.

21 Katie @ Wildwood Creek said...

I created a post about your wonderful giveaway. (I was having some serious problems with blogger. If blogger starts behaving, I'll embellish the post later.)

22 Roxanna said...

I just love birds, this is so cute. Thanks for the giveaway.

23 Roxanna said...

I am a follower.

24 Karen said...

So pretty.... I love birds!

25 Karen said...

I've been lurking for awhile... but now I'm an official follower. LOL

26 Linda@Coastal Charm said...

I have been looking at these for some time now...would love to WIN it!!!


27 Linda@Coastal Charm said...

I'm a happy follower:)


28 Linda@Coastal Charm said...

I'm posting your giveaway on my blog.


29 A Hint of Home said...

I love visiting your blog and now I have become an official follower.
Great, generous giveaway of such a pretty treasure. Thanks for hosting it!

30 Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Hi Martina, that is my kind of cloche - would love to win it. Linda

31 Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

I've been a follower for a while. Linda

32 Unknown said...

WOW Martina what a nice giveaway... you know I follow your blog, this would be a great cloche to put in my kitchen. have a great weekend


33 Sandy A said...

Thank you for this wonderful give away! I just love birds and this would be great to add to my collection...

34 Sandy A said...

I am a follower...

35 Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I know this is probably futile...but please, please draw my number! I love that!! The bird, the cloche...perfect!!

36 Ann from On Sutton Place said...

Oh my gosh I can't believe you aren't keeping that...or did you get yourself one too? LOVE IT.

37 Ann from On Sutton Place said...

I am a happy follower.

38 Ann from On Sutton Place said...

Just posted this on my side bar. Have a great July 4th weekend!

39 Donna~One Simple Country Girl said...

I love this and would be delighted to win it!

40 Donna~One Simple Country Girl said...

I have been a follower for quite some time!

41 Donna~One Simple Country Girl said...

I have posted this giveaway on my sidebar!

42 Gypsy Heart said...

A beautiful giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity to win.


43 Gypsy Heart said...

I'm your newest follower! Glad I found your blog.


44 chedeb5353 said...

I am a follower of your beautiful blog! Deb

45 chedeb5353 said...

The cloche is beautiful and would be even more so in my house!!! Deb

46 Unknown said...

Oh! I love that little gift. Hope I win!

47 Unknown said...

I already am a follower!!!

48 Lori said...

Lovin' that cloche and ready for the holiday weekend!

49 Lori said...

and I follow too!

50 Linda said...

Happy 4th of July weekend. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

51 Linda said...

I'm also a follower.

52 Linda (More Fun Less Laundry) said...

Hi Martina, Thank you for offering this lovely cloche in your giveaway! I hope I win! :) Linda

53 Linda (More Fun Less Laundry) said...

I am a very happy follower and have been one for a long time! Linda

54 Linda (More Fun Less Laundry) said...

I also put a button on my sidebar with a link back to you! I'll keep my fingers crossed! Linda

55 Gina said...

Oh, I love it! It's a beautiful & unusual cloche.

56 Gina said...

I am already a follower!

57 Martha said...

Love the whole thing but the little birdie is so cute-love it!

58 Martha said...

I'm already a follower :)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful giveaway!! I would love my name in the hat!

Anonymous said...

Love you sweet blog- the chest chalk paint post is sure making me want to get some of that paint! I love the shells in that pretty jar too.
Am you newest follower!

bee blessed

61 Unknown said...

I am a follower!

62 Unknown said...

Absolutely adore the cloche! I need it for breakfast room table! Tiffany

63 Ricki Treleaven said...

WHat a sweet giveaway. The birdcage cloche is lovely! I am a follower.

64 Kathy said...

Put me in the hat for that adorable bird cage, so sweet of you!

65 Kathy said...

I love being a follower!

66 Sharon Lee Johnson said...

I have had my eye on something like this for a while now - so count me in! x Sharon

67 Sharon Lee Johnson said...

As you know, I am a keen fan and follower!! x Sharon

68 Ivy and Elephants said...

What an awesome giveaway. It is just perfect for my bird cage post this week. :-)

Your newest follower,

69 Ivy and Elephants said...

I just posted a link to my blog. Timing is perfect since I am posting about bird cages.


70 Something Nice and Pretty said...

Oh, I just love it and the color of it too! Thanks for the chance to win!


71 Something Nice and Pretty said...

I've been a satisfied follower for a while now!


72 Something Nice and Pretty said...

I posted it on my sidebar with a link back to this post! Thanks again!


Anonymous said...

Hi! Where has your blog been all of my blogging life? It's so lovely, and I just became a follower of yours.. The cloche is PERFECT in every way. Thanks for this opportunity to own it and show it off in my home.


74 VintageGramma said...

I have become a follower!

75 VintageGramma said...

I love the birdcage, so beautiful and functional! Your blog is gorgeous as well!

76 VintageGramma said...

Posted the giveaway to my blog!

77 Marie said...

I already follow your fun blog!

78 Lisa said...

How precious! I'd be thrilled to win!

79 Lisa said...

I am a new follower.

80 Susan said...

Martina what a generous give away!! Please put my name in the hat!

81 Susan said...

I am a new follower!

82 Anna said...

Fantastic giveaway!Can I participate even if I'm Italian and I don't celebrate 4th July?Please!!!!!

83 Anna said...

I'm already your follower!

84 Anna said...

I added your link in my I can cross my fingers!

85 Michle said...

How kind of you to offer such wonderful giveaway.


86 Michle said...

I am a follower of your blog.


87 Michle said...

How kind of you to offer such wonderful giveaway.


88 Stampinmama said...

Pick me pick me--I love it --a wonderful giveaway

89 Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Martina,
LOVE your Cloche Giveaway! Please enter my name and thank you.


90 Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

I'm a follower.

91 Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Martina, I have placed your Giveaway button on my sidebar linking back to you. Thank you so much for a generous and darling giveaway. Have a wonderful Fourth of July weekend.


92 Sonny G said...

I'm clochless in NC and never can play at Marty's party so I wanna win,,,:)

already a follower and will display your giveaway on my sidebar..

happy 4th to you and yours..


93 Donna@Conghaile Cottage said...

LOVE IT!!! What a generous giveaway...
Thank you so much for a chance to win,

94 Donna@Conghaile Cottage said...

I am a Follower...I am hoping you will choose to Follow me to if you like!
Thank you for another chance to win.

95 Donna@Conghaile Cottage said...

I posted your giveaway on my sidebar for another chance to win and bring everyone over to see your wonderful blog...I look forward to spending time here...
Have a wonderful "4th of July"!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Martina! OH, what a lovely cloche! I would an opportunity to win it. Please enter my tiny name in your giveaway.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm also a follower, Martina.
Continue to be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

98 Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

SO pretty! I just found you from Marty at A Stroll thru Life -- I would love to have a chance to win this!

99 Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Just signed up to follow you too! Hope you have a wonderful 4th!

100 Rockelle said...

I don't have a single cloche. Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway. Thanks

101 Rockelle said...

I am also a follower in Google reader. Thanks!

102 Pinky at Designs by Pinky said...

This is a GREAT give away!!! I LOVE cloches AND bird houses!!!! First visit here! XO, Pinky

103 Pinky at Designs by Pinky said...

Now I am your newest follower! XO, Pinky

104 Crystal @ Ordinary Days said...

What an adorable birdcage. Don't know if I have ever seen one that is a cloche. Happy 4th of July!! :)

105 Crystal @ Ordinary Days said...

I am a follower!

Anonymous said...

Im a new follower...thanks pat h

Anonymous said...

what a great giveaway would love to win...thanks for sharing...pat h

108 Kathy said...

I love your blog, new to blogging and loving your site. Great Cloche! I can imagine a nest and nature under the dome. Thanks

109 NanaNor's said...

Came over from Marty's place and love your blog.
Absolutely love the giveaway-know just where I'd put it.
Thanks for your thoughtfulness.

110 NanaNor's said...

I am your newest follower so please enter me again. Happy 4th!!!

111 Diane said...

Simply Beautiful!!!! I am now following your blog and can't wait to see more.

112 Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Martina,
I'm coming over to meet you from Marty's blog.
I love your giveaway and also your blog.
I'm a follower now. If you get a chance come over and visit me too.


113 Autumn Rujiraviriyapinyo said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!

114 Autumn Rujiraviriyapinyo said...

I am a follower!

115 sharonavinger said...

Crossing my fingers!

116 Honey at 2805 said...

Oh Martina, I would love to win this sweet cloche! What a sweet giveaway & thanks for the opportunity to win it!

117 Honey at 2805 said...

Your know I would follow you anywhere! And I do!

118 Honey at 2805 said...

I have posted your giveaway announcement on my sidebar! And, my fingers and toes are crossed!

119 Char said...

Hello Martina, it's so nice to meet you. I found your lovely blog through Marty from a stroll thru life.
I not only think your give a way is perfect, but your blog is beautiful. When you have time, I would love for you to stop by someplaceinthyme, Char

120 Recycled Rita said...

I would love to win this sweet cloche! So cute! YOur blog is lovely! karen....

121 Char said...

I am your newest follower, it's my pleasure, treasure, Char

122 Recycled Rita said...

I am now a follower! thanks! karen....

123 Cindy said...

Hi Martina.
What a fabulous giveaway! I love it.
This is my comment.:)

124 Cindy said...

Hi Martina,
I am a loyal follower!
Hugs, Cindy

125 Cindy said...

Hi again Martina,
You are officially on the side of my blog!
Hugs, Cindy

126 Linda said...

Came over from Perfectly Imperfect! Very cute bird cloche. Would love to win it! Thanks!

127 Linda said...

I am your newest follower! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

This a beautiful cloche! What a fabulous giveaway which I learned about from Marty at A Stroll Thru Life. It would be perfect featured at her cloche party.

129 KimMalk said...

I became a follower :).

130 KimMalk said...

Plus, I'd ♥ to win!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that Marty at A Stroll Thru Life sent me your way. Love the cloche! What a great give-away!

132 KimMalk said...

I don't know if this counts, but I added to my Giveaway page here:

Anonymous said...

Oh how I would love to win the beautiful cloche you are giving away. Please enter me..You can reach me at

134 Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl said...

Love the cloche! I would love to display it in my home!

135 Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl said...

I am your newest follower!

136 Barbara Jean said...

thank you so much for the opportunity to enter to win this adorable cloche!!

barbara jean
PS came over from Marty's.

137 Grannys Attic said...

I;m your newest follower! Come by and visit at Granny's Attic. Blessings, Vicky

138 Grannys Attic said...

I just finished scrolling through your blogs. What wonderful ideas. Lovely place to visit. Blessing, Vicky

139 ❁Velma ~Down Our Country Road❁ said...

What an absolutely adorable different. I love it! :)

140 Lonestarlady said...

Love the bird cloche! What a fantastic giveaway!

141 Lonestarlady said...

I've become a follower as well!

142 Jackie Jardine said...

Lovely gift for a giveaway! I am clicking "follow" right now.

<3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

143 Jackie Jardine said...

This is such a lovely piece!

<3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

144 Jackie Jardine said...

I also posted about this giveaway on my blog. Good luck, everybody! I have my fingers crossed for this one, though. =)

<3Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

145 sheree said...

I'd love to win.

146 sheree said...

I am a follower.

147 NancyO. said...

I'm a new follower! :-)

148 NancyO. said...

What a neat cloche...great for my garden/living room. :-)

149 kimberly.labate said...

im a follower!

150 kimberly.labate said...

i think the cloche is adorable!

151 sldabney said...

Hi! Enjoyed your blog!

152 sldabney said...

BTW...I am a brand new follower!

153 Ana said...

Hi Martina,
What a beautiful cloche...I love birds and love cloches so you see these piece would be perfect for me :-) I'll be keeping my fingers crosses. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

Hugs and Kisses,

154 Ana said...

Oh and I've been a follower for a while now...Does that count? :-)

Hugs and Kisses,

155 Donna said...

I'm a new follower - looking forward to seeing more!

156 ANNE said...

What a gorgeous and generous giveaway! Thank you!

157 Anne said...

& I'm a new follower :)

Sandy B said...

LOVE this little birdcage cloche on stand!! I have just the place for it. Wish me luck, Sandy B

159 Pamela said...

Hi Martina! What a wonderful give away! I have seen this at HomeGoods and it is super cute! I am your newest follower though I thought I was already one. Guess I need to leave a seperate post for that!:)

160 Pamela said...

Newest follower!

161 An Oasis in the Desert said...

That is so cute, and you are so sweet to be doing a give-away!

162 An Oasis in the Desert said...

I'm already a follower.

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful give away - thanks so much for doing this:):)


164 Kelly Robinson said...

Gorgeous. I'd love to integrate this into my wedding reception.

165 Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Hi Martina, I love this..please enter me in your wonderful giveaway.

166 Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Of course I follow you, Martina!

167 Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

I am headed over to put the giveaway in my sidebar. Thanks for the great giveaway.

168 Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Martina...

Ahhh...sooo very sweet of you to do this gift giveaway for us, my friend! I love the bird cage cloche and certainly can see it decorating my home! Hehe! Yes...yes...please throw my name in the giveaway pot! I'm crossin' my fingers...

Thank you, Martina!

169 Chari at Happy To Design said...

Just leaving my second comment for a second chance! I have been a very happy follower of your delightful blog...nearly since its beginning! Thanks again for doing this sweet giveaway for us, dear friend!

Warmest wishes,

170 Monica's Closet said...

just found you today, what a find !!!

171 Lori said...

What a cute birdcage...I think that would go right along with the new look I am going for in my living room!

172 Lori said...

Of course I am already a follower! And I wanted to tell you thanks for your comment on my piano decor post! I am really happy with it and it's nice to know others appreciate that kind of stuff! LOL!

173 Bonnie Bee said...

Hi Martina.. I am so very glad that A STROLL THROUGH LIFE sent me over.. I am a Follower now!

174 Bonnie Bee said...

The bird cloche is VERY unique..( cannot believe that you are not keeping this treasure for yourself...) very kind of you to share it with us! Hope I get to place it along side my other birdie goodies...

175 Cottage Rose said...

Hello.. I was just a Marty's blog,,, and found you there,,,, I love coral bells,,, I have some planted up by my house,,, they do great there,,, and what a sweet give away you are having,,,how very generous of you... Happy 4th


176 Cottage Rose said...

I just became a follower as well.....

177 Cherri said...

Very cute, I would love it too. Thanks

178 Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Hi, I found your blog through, "A Stroll Thru Life." What a wonderful give away. I am a bird fanatic. This cloche is a real sweetie. Enjoy your coral bells. I love their delicate little blooms.

179 Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

I am now following you. Looking forward to getting to know you better.

180 jeanna said...

So cute! Love it!

181 jeanna said...

And, now a follower!

Sandy B said...

Hi, I just signed up to receive your posts by email after discovering your blog. Please enter my name in your cute little birdcage cloche giveaway. Can't wait to hear from you!!

183 Bobbi said...

Cute them....I am now a follower

184 The Charm of Home said...

I saw a cloche just like this in Country Living.

185 The Charm of Home said...

I follow you!

186 The Charm of Home said...

I put this in my sidebar. Thanks for the great giveaway!

187 vintageshabbychicks said...

would be so cute on my screen porch!

188 Lady Chris said...

I just became a follower :) Happy to be here!

189 Lady Chris said...

The birdcage cloche is darling! A great giveaway! It would fit right in a my home :)

190 La said...

Oh mu goodness, this cloche is stunning. I would love to win it. Thank you so much for the opportunity.

191 La said...

I'm a new follower.

192 La said...

I am adding your giveaway to my sidebar.

I am having a giveaway also. Stop by soon to enter. The winner will be drawn on July 6.

Happy 4th! La

KaT said...


KAT said...


195 Ya Ya Couponz said...

It's so adorable! I'd love to give it a home!

196 Ya Ya Couponz said...

I'm following you via GFC!Thanks!

197 Lydia said...

What a great give-away! I love birds and cloches!!!

198 Lydia said...

I'm a new follower!

199 Dear Lillie said...

Oh - this is fabulous, Martina! Happy Fourth of July!

200 Dear Lillie said...

And I am of course a follower!

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