Friday, May 2, 2014

~Antique Ladders~

 Hi there friends...TGIF!!
I love the look of these antique ladders and I've been on the hunt for one to use in our master bath.
I found all these pretty images on Pinterest.
These chippy darker ones are my favorite!

  I LOVE everything about this bath...look at that tub and that floor!
 I saw this next photo awhile was my inspiration for when I bought the new rug in our master bath.

 Don't those quilts look so pretty draped over that ladder!


 Gorgeous bath!!
 So there ya have it...this is my latest hunt!
Do you like the look of antique ladders...

Where would you use one in your home?
 photo signature_zpsc1c28298.png


1 Linda said...

Love those ladders!! I have one in the guest room that was my Dads. I hang quilts.

2 ANNE said...

such gorgeous spaces! Happy Friday Martina!!

3 Lisa~A Cottage To Me said...

I have one that I am currently using in our living room. I've had it in several rooms thru the years that I've had it. They are fun and add just the right touch to any room. Here is where I have mine currently, Have a delightful day!

4 Stacey said...

I would love to find a ladder too. It's been on my list for a couple of years. So many fun ideas with them!

5 Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

Yes, please! I love these ladders too! What great pictures you found!!!

6 Number Fifty-Three said...

I love antique ladders! We have more of a vintage style bamboo one in our dining room, but someday I hope to find a really old wood one!

Angela @ Number Fifty-THree

7 Kelly said...

Yes, I do like the look of vintage ladders. I'd love to have one somewhere with some grainsacks draped over the rungs. I don't know where I would use it though. I'm sure I could find a place though if I had to! LOL! Good luck with your hunt.

8 Debbiedoos said...

I love the old ladders too and always on the look out for one. I can never find them though.

9 Deserae said...

Wonderful inspiration pics of ladders!!!!! I finally found one with just the right amount of chippiness four months ago. I am using it in my downstairs powder room to hold towels. Good luck with your search....I know you'll find the perfect one :o)

10 Dawn said...

Love the ladder look. I hope you find just what you are looking for :)

11 Sherry @ Thrift My House said...

So pretty! I love old ladders too. We actually have one in our attic, I should get it down and use it. I love that rug too! Really pops in that bathroom.

12 Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I love them in the bathroom pictures, Martina! Perfect towel holders!

13 Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said...

I love them too! I found a wood ladder by the side of the road (free!) and plan to try to make it look like an antique one.

14 Moni - Zuhaus at Home said...

Love the inspiration!! I have to find me an old ladder!

15 Olive said...

I have one that we used in the booth to display linens but I brought it home. I have not quite decided where to put it yet. xo, olive

16 Unknown said...

Beautiful ladders Martina. Yes!! I do luv the look of old ladders :)
Happy hunting!

17 Unknown said...

I have one actually that's caused many a raised eyebrow by John - he hates them LOL
Looking at these I wish I hadn't painted mine white - they look so beautiful in wood ( that damn cursed paint brush of mine LOL )
Happy weekend

18 SheilaG @ Plum Doodles said...

I have wanted one for a very long time, too. They are usually out of my budget when I do come across one.

19 SerendipityRefined said...

I LOVE the ladders! (and those bathrooms! Thanks for sharing!

20 Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

I have one, and I put it out for a little while, and then changed it to one of my candelabras. The one I have is a little too southwest for this home. The home that I used it in looked like a mission with a courtyard. I had it in my spouse's office with a woven, Navajo blanket. Depending on the type of rugs, they look cool hung with magazines or flowers.

21 JoAnne said...

Oh I love those ladders and would love to have one. I would probably use it in the family room and hang some cozy throws on it.

22 chateau chic said...

Fabulous inspirational photos, Martina. I love the look of old ladders used in so many ways. Wish I had a space for one in our bathroom.
Mary Alice

23 NanaDiana said...

I love antique ladders. I actually have an old library ladder saved to use in our next home. I wish I had one of the ones from our farm from when I was a kid- xo Diana

24 Martine-Alsace said...

Hi Martina, When I saw your name on someone's blog, I just had to stop over and see you! I found an old ladder in our garage and this is what I did with it.
A ladder in my french garden

Might be an idea for others... I'm in France, my blog is in french too, and I garden in Alsace. Come and visit!

25 Celestina Marie said...

Hi Martina, I love old ladders and have always had one. In my laundry I use a double style for a drying rack and display.
Great pics of inspiration you share. Have fun on the hunt!
Happy Weekend!

26 Ron said...

I think one will look fab in your bath to hang towels--- monogrammed, of course! Happy Saturday!

27 Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Love the look of the ladders! Hope you find one!

28 DD's Cottage said...

Great photos and inspiration Martina--i would use in my bathroom for hanging towels.

29 deb @ frugal little bungalow said...

I don't see sources listed for any of these?

30 Sarah said...

Martina, love the look of an old ladder. I have one in a guest room that holds antique quilts.

31 Jennifer @ Town and Country Living said...

I've been looking for an old ladder too - for our downstairs bathroom. I love all the examples you've shown!

32 Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

I love the look of ladders too, they are so decorative.

33 Julia said...

Que bonito post, me he paseado por tu bloc y me ha encantado, te invito a ver el mio, estamos celebrando el dia de la madre, y si te gusta y no eres seguidora espero que te hagas ahora, gracias por visitarme. FELIZ DIA DE LA MADRE💐

34 ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

Deb... I found all these images on pinterest under antique ladders.

35 Sunflowers With Smiles said...

I found one in PA last week but to ship it, the costs were outrageous. I am visiting NC next weekend, so I will do some shopping for them! I like them in a master bath with towels.....

36 Art and Sand said...

I think I have most of those same ladders on my Pinterest board.

I keep looking for a ladder that will fit into my little cottage and isn't outrageously priced.

37 Help! Mama Remote... said...

These are all gorgeous

38 Maria Elena said...

Beautiful inspiration pictures, Martina! A vintage ladder will looks so pretty in your beautiful bathroom. Love them to display towels! Enjoy your week.

39 Pinky at Designs by Pinky said...

I love the one you found! I have a NEW, asain inspired, bamboo ladder hanging on a wall in the living room. Now you have me thinking about moving it;)

40 Cynthia said...

I would like to get an old ladder for the new house. Not too big. Love that bath and that tub too!! Good luck on your hunt.


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