Happy Monday Friends... I can't believe the month is over, time sure does fly! I played around with a new vignette on the little chest in my foyer this weekend. My hydrangea bushes have the prettiest colored flowers this time of year so I've been cutting them like crazy to use around the house!
Love the soft greens, blues and pink.
Thanks so much for stopping by...have a great week!
Can anyone tell me how to get rid of this photobucket box and get my signature back? It's driving me crazy...it's been like this for about a week!!
Hi friends... I've been "Fallen" inside and out...how about you? I'm only showing little peeks today because I'm still not finished.
Lots and lots of real pumpkins this year! I found such pretty ones at Walmart... and they were a lot cheaper then the garden centers. I bought 4 bags of these little guys.
I'll be back soon with a Fall tour... Have a super weekend! Neena was hanging out with me when I was taking some pics outside and got a little thirsty...had to snap one of her too:) Ignore the deer fencing;)
Happy Monday friends... On Mondays I volunteer at the kids school for lunch duty, and on my way home I pass my favorite little florist/gift shop...she carries the prettiest little things. Look what I found...
This pretty little dried arrangement...it was love at first sight:)
It came in the this white little pitcher.
It's perfect for the Fall season.
I also added this blue and white plate that I had in my stash. I have a set of three of them, I bought them in Country Curtains awhile ago.
Hi friends!! Last week was a crazy week here with the kids starting school but I managed to fit in a few little changes... here's one of them.
I bought this painting last year from Linsey over at The Farmhouse PorchI love it... it's made an appearance in a few of our rooms but I think I like it in it's new home the best! Here's what this spot in our foyer looked like before...
then it went to this...
and now this...my favorite!
I bought the rustic looking frame in Hobby Lobby, I love the way it looks with this painting and it fills in the wall space perfectly.
I'll be showing the other changes being made around here soon. Have a great week!
TGIF friends! I worked on a little paint project yesterday and it involved this chair my mom found for me at a garage sale. Look at her pretty shape.
And here she is after... I used MMS milk paint in Linen. I didn't want her super chippy so I added a little bonding agent to the mix.
I even dressed her up a bit and added this wooden applique. It's hard to tell in these photos but I painted the applique pure white to make it pop... then went over it with my sanding block.
It started to chip a little in all the right spots... up here on the top...
and a little down here...the rest of the chair I used my sanding block to distress it.
I finished it off by wiping MMS Hemp Oil on the entire chair...love that stuff!
It's a weakness I know, but I just can't pass up a pretty lamp! I was shopping in my favorite store again this weekend...Home Goods :) I'm always drawn to their lamp section. Look at this little cutie I found.
This pretty ceramic base is what caught my eye...it said take me home take me home...and so I did!
Of course having a great burlap shade was the icing on the cake;)
So many changes being made to this room and this new lamp fits in perfectly!
So tell me are you like me... and can't pass up a pretty lamp? Have a great week!