Sunday, March 10, 2013

Giveaway Time!!

Happy Saturday Morning Friends!!
It's a beautiful sunny day here in NY today, we may even hit 60 degrees by tomorrow! 
Feb.6 marked my 2 year Blogiversary! WOW how time flies! I am so thankful I got up the courage to hit that "publish" button for the the first time. In doing so I made so many wonderful new friends that I am so thankful for!
I'll be giving away these two pretty Johnson Brothers cups and one will be filled with a $25 Home Goods gift card!
I'll pick the winner next Saturday using Random # generator.
                     Two Chances to Enter:
1.Leave me a comment about the giveaway.
2. Become a "new" follower and leave me a separate comment that you did.
Good Luck friends!!


1 Lynn said...

That would be perfect for my niece, who is getting married in June. It matches her dinnerware!

2 Holly Hollyson @ Full of Beans and Sausages said...

me me me!!! They are so pretty. Congratulations on 2 years of blogging - here's hoping I can get there!!!

3 Cynthia said...

Now that the kids are all older, I have been using the prettier things on a more regular basis. Decided that they need to be out, seen, & used, for they set the mood for a happier day. These would be perfect to start the day with coffee or tea, for the match my blue & white dishes.

4 Deserae said...

Congratulations on your two year anniversary....great give a way!
Have a great weekend :o)

5 Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

2 years - congrats, Martina! I've been catching up on some blogs and saw your chevron tray post - so pretty! Nice post on Zu Haus (ap?) too. Pretty blue & white mugs - and a HG card - double yea! Been a follower for a long time! Have a wonderful weekend! Linda

6 Divine Theatre said...

Martina! How funny is this? I have been sick and my husband hurt is arm while arresting someone at work, so his one armed dishwashing skills led to TWO of these EXACT cups being broken!
What a generous gift! Heck, I would be happy with tow cups and no card! LOL!

Thanks for visiting!



7 Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

what a sweet giveaway...those cups are beautiful!

8 Peggy said...

Congratulations on your 2 year blogiversary!! I've been a follower for awhile...
Peggy @ The Painted Pear

9 Moni - Zuhaus at Home said...

Congratulations on your 2 year blogiversary!! what a sweet giveaway! Happy "many more years of blogging" sweet friend!

10 Kelly said...

Congrats on your 2 yr blogging anniversary! I love the giveaway you're doing. Count me in! Those cups are beautiful too. Btw, I saw your blog featured in Romantic Homes Magazine (April) just now. Congrats on that too!

11 Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Congrats on the blog anniversary! I have enjoyed your blog over the last two years!

I love that pattern, I have it in both red and blue and would love to win the mugs!

BTW, I am an "old" follower for a long time.

12 Tanya said...

Wow congrats on your blog anniversary. Count me in!

13 Tanya said...

P.s. I'm a follower!

14 Tanya said...

Wow congrats on your blog anniversary. Count me in!

15 Jane@Bluebird1959 said...

Many congrats on your two year bloggaversary,!!One of my favorites. What a lovely and generous giveaway. Jane

16 Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Congrats on your blogaversary, Martina! It does go fast, doesn't it? The mugs are beautiful.

17 grammy and papi said...

Oh, LOVE the mugs, my favorite color is blue. Sure would love to win them. Thank you for hosting such a sweet give away.

Have a God Filled Day

18 Sandy said...

I've been reading your blog for some time and now signed to be a new follower.

19 grammy and papi said...

I was already "following" on blogger, but somehow missed FB. Well I'm now following on FB also.

Have a God Filled Day

Anonymous said...

Heya i am for the first time here. I found this board and I to find It
truly useful & it helped me out much. I am hoping to provide one
thing again and help others like you helped me.

Also visit my web blog :: 37646

21 Sandy said...

I love the color blue, so these cups would be appreciated. Plus Home Goods is one of my favorite shops.

22 Blondie's Journal said...

Happy Blog Anniversary! Celebrate! I love these mugs...this is so generous of you! :)


23 foreverdecorating said...

There was a time when I won one of your giveaways and you know I think of you all the time. I am in hopes that I am one of the friends that you speak of. Happy anniversary...maybe I will win again.

24 Sandy A said...

Congratulations on your 2nd Blogiversary, and thank you for this generous giveaway...

25 NanaDiana said...

Oh- I don't usually sign up for giveaways but you got me with this one. Please throw my name in the hat...or box...or random generator...or whatever you use- xo Diana

26 Teresa said...

2 Years. WOW! I've about given up on my blog. Haven't posted for ever. ( 3 or 4 months) So happy when you gals can keep it going. Those cups are so lovely. I'd love to just find some. Maybe I'll have a chance to win. Happy Anniversary.

27 Anne said...

Happy bloggiversary to you!!! I am already a follower here :-)

28 Cindy said...

I am a new follower, I thought I was a follower already, but it seems that I wasn't. Put my name in the hat!

29 Cindy said...

Those are beautiful mugs, and I would love to win a Home Goods gift card!

30 gena said...

What sweet mugs! I've never been to Home goods, but I hear about it all the time from different bloggers...

My 30th wedding anniversary was February 6 - glad we both took the "plunge" on that date!!!!


31 gena said...

I'm your latest follower!


32 Brenda Pruitt said...

Well, there isn't one Home Goods store (unfortunately) in this whole state of OK. Can you believe that. So guess it wouldn't help me any. Congrats on your blogoversery though!

33 Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Thanks for the chance to win!

34 Suburban prep said...

How delicate and beautiful.
Thank you

35 chateau chic said...

Congrats on two great years, Martina! Lovely giveaway. Blue and white are my favorite colors.
Mary Alice

36 ANNE said...

Congratulations Martina! We've been blogging almost exactly the same length of time!!

It sure goes by quickly!

Have a fabulous weekend xox

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
38 Linda@Coastal Charm said...

Congrats on your anniversary!!! I happy that you pushed that button too:)


39 akawest said...

Congratulations! What a lovely way to share it with your readers.

40 Christine @ Stonehouse Living said...

Hi Martina,
Congratulations! Time flies when you are having fun ;0)
Love your creative style!
All the Best,

41 Maria Elena said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! Beautiful giveaway, Martina. Thank you for a chance to enter!

42 Sarah said...

Martina, what a sweet gift to celebrate. Those lovely cups would fit right into my blue and white scape in my bay window. Thanks for the chance to win these.
Congratulations on your 2nd blog anniversary. Enjoy your warmer weather. We are expecting a cold front tonight with highs in the 50s tomorrow. So NY will be warmer than TX. '-)

43 Darla P. said...

Congratulations. You do a great job. I love your style!

44 Darla P. said...

I'm an old faithful follower by email. Blessings!

45 Sarah said...

Martina, I've been a follower for a long time. '-)

46 Margo said...

Congrats on 2 years! Thanks for sharing such a generous giveaway!

47 Margo said...

I am a happy follower of your blog!

48 Shabby chic Sandy said...

What a great giveaway..I'm an "old" follower, happily :)

49 jean said...

Love these mugs! Thank you for offering them.

50 Gail said...

Congrats Martina and what a lovely giveaway!

51 Olive said...

I love all Transferware and are you not the sweetest one.

Carol said...

Love them, especially blue and white.

53 Dawn Renee ' said...

Congratulations on your first two years, hope for many more years of your inspiration! ! How sweet you're giving gifts on your anniversary, thank you.

54 Dawn Renee ' said...

I just recently started happily following in the past week...hopefully that counts!

55 Lisa@Pickles and Cheese said...

Exciting! Thanks for the chance. I am a happy follower and have been for a while!!

56 Linda said...

What a beautiful giveaway!!
Happy blogaversary!!
Here's to many more!

57 rachel said...

Happy blogiversary! Also, isn't Home Goods such an awesome store?

58 Ron said...

Congrats, Martina on two years. I enjoy your blog friendship daily. I love a good coffee mug for some good ole fashioned coffee tawk. xo

59 Di@Cottage-Wishes said...

I am a new follower and would love to win a certificate from Homegoods. Di@Cottage-wishes

60 Di@Cottage-Wishes said...

I am joining you from Common Ground! So glad to find you, hoping to win the giveaway. Di@Cottage-wishes

61 Debbiedoos said...

Happy Anniversary Martina. I can't believe how fast time flies. Sure glad you came along this fun journey we are all on.

62 Judy said...

What a beautiful giveaway and you know how much I love Home Goods. Thanks for the chance.

63 Something Nice and Pretty said...

You had me at "Homegoods" Martina! Love that place so much!

64 Something Nice and Pretty said...

I've been a happy follower for a while now, congrats on you 2year blogaversy!

65 Bliss said...

Happy Anniversary. Clicking publish was a wise decision for you not to mention fun for us.


66 dgmills said...

I am a new follower of Northern Nesting. So glad to have found you.

67 dgmills said...

Congrats on your anniversary. I know it is lots of work to submit these wonderful blogs. I love the blue mugs, as well as Home Goods.

68 Rita said...

congrats on your second blogiversary. i'm your newest follower and, if the giveaway is open also to international Readers, i'd love to win those gorgeous jb mugs. i happen to have soft spot for transferware and they would make a great addition to my collection.

69 Rita said...

oh, i forgot that i was supposed to leave a separate comments for being a new folllower. well, i am!

70 Rose said...

These are beautiful! Would make a wonderful wedding gift!

71 samplegirl said...

Hi Martina,
I too am from the North. With long winters I enjoy all the wonderful blogs out there. I am new to your blog my name is Betts I live in Ohio and look forward to following your blog. Who wouldn't love to win this giveaway!
Warm Regards,

72 Babs said...

Congratulations Martina! What a great giveaway.

73 kmannrn said...

Congratulations! I enjoy your blog

74 Amanda said...

I am a new follower. Love your blog.

75 Amanda said...

Excited about the giveaway.

76 Leslie's Garden said...

What fun! And the cups are so pretty! Congratulations on your anniversary!

77 Leslie's Garden said...

I am following now, thanks for two chances to win!

78 sharonavinger said...

Would love to win! Thank you for the offer.

79 chedeb5353 said...

Congratulations! I love the beautiful cups. Long time follower. Debra

80 Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Congratulations, Martina! What a lovely giveaway. I'd love the chance to win one of those. Your blog is so pretty, and I love your header. laurie

81 Dianne said...

Martina, A very warm congratulation on your anniversary. This is very generous of you. I love blue and white and these mugs are really beautiful. I have been following you for some time now. I am happy to say that you have inspired many of my DYI projects.
Thanks you.

82 Danielle V. said...

What a beautiful giveaway! I'd love to share this prize with my mother :)


83 Danielle V. said...

I also now follow you via GFC! Thanks!


daniellevillano [at] gmail [dot] com

84 Sharon said...

Thank you for such a sweet giveaway! The mugs are lovely!

85 Sharon said...

I am a new follower!

86 Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Congrats on your blogversary and the wonderful feature in Romantic Homes, Martina! Fun giveaway!

87 Sonya@Beyond the Screen Door said...

Hi, Martina! Congratulations on your blogiversary! Thanks for a chance to win.

88 Sonya@Beyond the Screen Door said...

Hi, Martina! Congratulations on your blogiversary! Thanks for a chance to win.

89 Jane@Bluebird1959 said...

I'm a longtime follower! :)

90 Calypso In The Country said...

How pretty - and congrats on 2 years! How bout those temps this weekend! I am so excited for spring now!

91 Sharon Lee Johnson said...

Congratulations! Can you remember life before blogging? I can't. x Sharon

92 Mariaelena said...

Good morning friend!!...ENTER me...haha...hope I win, but I never the teacups and of course the gift card!!!...have a great Monday!!!...xo, Mariaelena

93 Designing Domesticity said...

Congrats on making it to two years. No small feat! Liz

Linda said...

I am a new follower. I enjoy your blog very much. Thanks for such a lovely giveaway and congratulations on your blog anniversary.

95 Cynthia said...

Congrates on two years!!! I would love to win and love your blog.


96 MrsMommyB said...

Happy Blogoversery! Love all the content - especially the posts with more vintage stuff!

97 MrsMommyB said...

Following you on GFC - mrsmommyb

98 Barbara @ 21 Rosemary Lane said...

So pretty Martina...and I love Home Goods! Would love to win these!!! Wasn't the weather just spectacular this past weekend?
Happy Monday!
OX Barbara

99 Barbara @ 21 Rosemary Lane said...

I'm already a faithfull follower!! :) Love your blog Martina!

100 Nancy Carr said...

Love blue and white and HomeGoods. Would love to win. Thanks.

101 Nancy Carr said...

I am a new follower. Would love to win and am impressed by your inspiration. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I am a relatively new follower. Love the blue and white!!!

103 AubreyLaine said...

Congrats and thanks for the kind giveaway!
alaine74014 at gmail dot com

104 AubreyLaine said...

I follow via GFC :)
alaine74014 at gmail dot com

105 BarbsFarm said...

Hi Martina
Just stumbled across your blog and joined your following. I am new to blogging, just recently began one for myself. your home is lovely and I adore your new tea pots. I am a tea pot collector and I love using them. I have alot of blue and white as well.

106 Trudy Doiron said...

I just discovered you and I love the blue and white cups.. I also have a set of blue and white which I love. I am a new follower so send those cups here to me.

107 Victoria's Vintage Designs said...

Hi Martina, newest follower! Love the teacups & Home Goods! Would love you to stop by my blog as I am a new blogger... Have a great day! Vicki

108 Unknown said...

Congratulations on your two year anniversary! Thank you for an awesome giveaway! Good luck to everyone!


109 Unknown said...

Congratulations on your two year anniversary! Thank you for an awesome giveaway! Good luck to everyone!


110 Unknown said...

New Follower via GFC Kaitlin Boles!

111 Elisabeth said...

Congrats on 2 years! Thank you so much for spoiling us with a giveaway! :)

vandango33 at gmail dot com

112 Elisabeth said...

I'm a new follower!

vandango33 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Love Johnson Bros. I'd love to start a collection. I've never been to Home Goods but I'm ready to go.

Anonymous said...

Those ate gorgeous!and who can resist a gift card!

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