While doing the dreaded grocery shopping yesterday I was walking by the floral section and saw this pretty greenery wrapped up. It's probably used for a filler when making bouquets but I thought it was so pretty alone. It was only $5.99 for the bunch so I grabbed one up and new exactly where it was going.
In my silver pitcher on my kitchen island.
I love the fresh eucalyptus they added to it.
Thanks so much for stopping by :-) Have a great 4th of July weekend! Martina
I just love this stuff and I love how fast you can get a piece finished!! This is the table in my sitting room/playroom I used old white and then the clear wax on it.
I love how all the detail work stands out now.
One more Before....
Now I am on the hunt for some new pillows for these chairs. These chairs are really not my style but they are perfect for now with the kids, especially little Miss Victoria and her lollipops!
I also redid this toy box that my dad made for me when Mackenzie was born 11yrs ago, now Victoria has all her goodies in there. All 3 of my kids got plenty of use out of this. I used black paint that I already had and then stenciled the numbers on it, the numbers are my favorite part!
I always love and appreciate your visits! Hope you all are having a great week! Martina
Or NOT!! Maybe I should say seashells by Pottery Barn, because that's where these came from. On my latest trip to PB I picked up a bag of shells and sand to add a little bit of summery touches around the house. The shell's were on sale too :-)
Found these glass balls wrapped in netting in a clearance basket!
Had so many shells left over I started walking around the house to see where else I could use some.
Took the moss covered rocks out that I had in my little silver candy dish my mom bought me and added a few in there.
Have a great weekend everyone! We are celebrating Victoria's 5th b-day with family on Sunday. I can't believe my baby is going to kindergarten in September :( Martina
Come on over for a swim and a nice cold glass of sweet tea with me! We put our pool in 4yrs ago and it was the best thing we did, we enjoy it so much. The kids always have their friends over to go swimming and little Miss Victoria just taught herself how to swim, now she's a little fish.
We put this patio in before the pool and then designed the pool deck around it.
We used stamped concrete for the deck and added a few decorative touches.
I love this big circular one here. I have another table and chairs that go here too, you can never have enough seating.
A few months ago I jumped on the drop cloth bandwagon and made these curtains for the window in our sitting room. I LUV them! If I only knew how to sew I would be making other things with them! It's great how the drop cloths are finished around all the edges all you have to do is wash and iron and "VOILA" it's done!
I added a black rope trim to mine.
Now make sure you head on over to the Blog Party and join Kristin over @ http://www.myuncommonsliceofsuburbia.com/ and show us all your drop cloth projects! I can't wait to see them!! Martina
It's PARTY TIME!! I am joining in on the fun over at Debbiedoos showing some of my summertime paint projects for this weeks big Blog Party! Let's go take a look.....
Remember I showed you the red mushrooms growing in my garden,well I decided to make them a little more whimsical!
Here's how the look now thanks to my friend Debbiedoos giving me this cute idea.
This birdbath used to be brown and blah, nothing a little Bauhaus Gold spray paint won't fix!
Last but not least this birdcage stand got the same treatment as the birdbath.
HAPPY FRIDAY everyone! I wanted to share some pictures with you of my first purchase from One Kings Lane that my friend Kim over@ Savvy Southern Style introduced me to. This wonderful chippy worn metal urn. It's only about 8ins high and it came in a few different finishes. I filled mine with some shells, I figured that would be perfect for the summer months.
Look what they sent me for ordering from them, a complimentary candle that smells wonderful!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Hope to see you at the big Blog Party!! Martina
I can't believe I haven't posted anything in a week, but this summertime schedule is throwing me all off (LOL)!! This is the kids last week of school and it is also when they take all their final exams so it's been a little crazy here! OK now on to showing you little Miss Victoria's room. Purple is her favorite color so a few months ago I did her room over and painted it Lavender Mist by Ben.Moore.
Found this cute bedding in Home Goods.
The three ballet pictures have been in her room from when it was a nursery, and the wood sign I ordered online (just can't remember from who)!
Painted and distressed the mirror.
This was Mackenzie's doll house, she passed it down to her sister and Victoria loves playing with it!
Looking into the jack & jill bathroom she shares with her brother.
Thanks so much for stopping by, I always enjoy your visits! Martina