While browsing the aisles in Home Goods the other day, I came across these pretty baskets. I thought they would go great in my laundry room since that's the next room on the list to get a makeover. I finally decided on a paint color but I'm waiting till the kids go back to school to paint.
I bought four of them and I'm going to use them above my cabinets for extra storage. The two large ones were $12.99 a piece and the two smaller ones were $9.99. I've seen these in magazines for much more.
Can't wait to get started in there! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Hi friends... With the summer coming to an end and all our other perennials starting to look pretty sad at least we have these beauties still blooming. These are my husbands favorites. After many trips to Florida and seeing these beauties all over he was determined to try and grow them here in the northeast. We're zone 6 and crepe myrtles are recommended for zones 7 thru 9. Our's grow as a shrub not a tree but we'll take that! Four years later and they're still growing strong!
These three on the pool deck are Dynamite crepe myrtles
Here's another grouping on our hill. The white is Natchez the light pink is Choctaw and the pink in the back is Miami.
This last one with these beautiful hot pink blooms is called Pink Velour
This is one garden that still looks good. I already started cutting some of the perennials back around the house because the heat this summer really got to them. Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a super week!!
Well I've been playing around with the demijohns I just bought and here's where the first one landed. On the blue chest in my living room.
I think the other one might just land up in here too, once I'm finished painting something. Thanks so much for stopping by! Your visits and sweet comments make my day!
Our old, builder grade, ugly, utility sink sprung a leak a few weeks ago YIPEE!! Yes that's right I was happy about that, because that was a good reason for me to go out and get a prettier one:) I checked Home Depot and Lowes and they only carried the basic ones in the store, so I checked online and found this pretty one on the Lowes website.
Look at her pretty legs.
It has a nice deep sink and a long neck faucet which is great for filling pails and cleaning things out. We use this sink a lot, especially after we come in from gardening.
You'll usually find Toby in here too taking a nap:)
Stay tuned... more changes to come, just trying to decide a paint color!
Starting a new collection....demijohns! Something that I've been on the hunt for, for quite some time. I've bid on a few on ebay in the past and had no luck, I was always out bid and the ones the sellers allowed you to "buy now" were always over $300! Well before we left for vacation I found two different sellers on etsy from France that were selling these two beauties! The two with shipping only cost me $110.
The smaller one stands a foot high and is 7in. in diameter.
The larger one stands 14in tall and is 8in. in diameter. I love the two tone wicker on this one.
The larger one came with the original cork in it.
The two shops were French Melody etsy shop and Maison Maudie etsy shop. They shipped quickly, I had both of them within a week. I wouldn't hesitate to order from them again.
Happy Monday Friends! Here are the final pictures of our visit to California. We spent a few days in San Diego so we could take the kids to the San Diego Zoo and Sea World. Two amazing places to visit!
This little guy looked like he was trying to make his escape.
The kids "monkeying" around. Ha!
Our first stop in Sea World was at the Sesame Street Bay of Play so the little Miss could have her picture taken with her favorite muppets :)
The shows were amazing!
The dolphin show was our favorite.
Look at that sweet face!
The end of a wonderful vacation filled with so many great memories! Have a great week and thank's so much for stopping by!