Monday, September 26, 2011

A Hot Spot.....

.... and it's not what your thinking! My poor little guy Toby has a hot spot. Never heard of this before because this is the first time in 14 yrs this has ever happened to him. My vet said it can be caused by an insect bite or even allergies! It's very itchy and irritating to them and needs to be treated with antibiotic and a prescribed ointment. One good thing is that it is in a spot that he can't get to and make it worse.

Not pretty looking at all! And he just went to the groomers on Thursday:(

I love this little guy, so needless to say he's getting a little more spoiled then he already is:)

Has anyone ever had this happen to their pet before? This is all new to me!


Debbiedoos said...

ahhh poor Toby! Hope the itch goes away real soon,that has to be annoying! Never heard of it.

Unknown said...

Martina I am so sorry you baby is suffering.

Usually hot spots don't result in breaking the skin unless they are scratched or bitten.

Make sure you keep the area clean and you might try some aloe gel on the area in addition to the meds. It should start to be better right away if not contact your vet again.

I hope your baby is feeling well soon.


Pam@OurAdventuresInHomeImprovement said...

Poor guy! I can imagine that he's getting a little spoiled now. So sorry!


Sonny G said...

yes my pom girl had one..
wash with witch hazel- immediatly kills a lot of the bacteria.. then dab on tea tree oil with a qtip and hold him a fe mins till its absorbed.
wont hurt him if he licks it , but still best to hold him about 10 mins..
took about 6 days for my Buffy to heal.
good luck.

Andrea said...

It happens all the time. I would see at least one a week in the summer (I'm a vet). In fact, the hot spot may have been a result of the groomer. NOT that the groomer did anything wrong, but we often saw this after grooming from a mild clipper burn or nick that gets infected, usually with Staph (a type of bacteria that's normally found on their skin). The biggest key is to keep it clean, don't allow him to lick and finish the prescribed meds. His fur will grow back in no time! G'luck with it!

Anonymous said...

Yes, our little Teddy gets them a few times a year. Our vet says it is probably from allergies. We bathe him with medicated shampoo and have a medicated spray we have to apply too. Hope your baby is better soon :o)

Kelly said...

I've never heard of that. I'm glad it's treatable though. Looks like your doggie is in very good hands. He sure is cute!

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Bailey is always getting little scabby spots on her and she has prescription shampoo and I put antibiotic ointment on. Hers have not gotten that big. Poor baby.

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Poor little guy, I sure hope he gets better soon.


Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

Oh, that precious baby!!! Hope he gets better soon!!!

Gail said...

Poor baby! I hope he gets better soon.

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Martina, Toby is adorable. I hope he heals quickly.

Heather said...

Yes, my dog, has a horrible time with these. The last one he had resulted in a hefty vet bill. Now, as soon as we see one start, we immediately spray on some anti itch medicine that the vet prescribed. Those hot spots can be so gross! Poor doggies!

xinex said...

Oh poor baby! I hope it heals soon, Martina...Christine

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

I know how your little guy is feeling~ my pom has gotten a hot spot before! Toby and my pom, Scamp, look so much alike! I see you have a teddy bear cut. I love that. Give him a treat from me!

Cindy said...

Hi Martina,
I have never heard of such a thing, poor little guy. He certainly is a beautiful little dog.
Hugs, Cindy

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Oh no, I hope he heals quickly, poor little guy. What a cutie, too! ((Hugs)) ~Liz

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

Hope Toby feel better soon, Martina!

Ann from On Sutton Place said...

I've never heard of a hot spot...I would hate for my little dog to get one. You are doing all the right things...hope if heals quickly. Dogs are like kids...when they are sick a little spoiling does the trick!

Nancy's Notes said...

Poor little guy, I've never heard of a hot spot before. Hope he heals soon!

Pam - @diy Design Fanatic said...

Awww, poor thing! I hope Toby gets better soon!

Becca Bertotti said...

Aw, poor baby! I hope he's feeling better soon!

Pamela said...

I have never heard of a Hot Spot before Martina! I hope your baby is feeling better!!

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