Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Projects of 2014

 Hi there friends...
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!
Can you believe in just two more days we'll be ringing in 2015...boy this year flew!!
I always love to look back and see the projects that got accomplished during the year...and we accomplished a big one in the beginning of 2014...all new hardwood flooring on our main level!

 We lived with a BIG mess for 2 months but it was so worth it to get these pretty floors put in throughout the first floor...BUT it also lead to many other projects!!
 I made over our two counter chairs using Mason Blanche chalk paint in Wrought Iron.
 Added corbels to our kitchen island...love this addition!
 Continued by giving our mantel a new look too...
it went from being bright white to...
...to a pretty grey green using Annie Sloan chalk paint in Chateau Grey.
 Next I worked on giving our kitchen table and chairs a fresh new look.
 I painted them in Versailles...it's one of my favorite Annie Sloan colors.
My son and daughters jack & jill bathroom got a little updating.
We added a new solid surface countertop and replaced the large builder grade mirrors with pretty framed ones.

 I found this pretty antique cabinet for our master bathroom...and gave it a fresh new look.
 LOVE this piece!

 I always wanted a bench for the foot of our bed  and was so happy to find this one! 
Now you know it didn't stay like this right!?!
 Much better!
 I had this table from The Bombay Co. for years...it was sitting in my storage room...until I had one of those light bulb moments lol!
Gave it a fresh coat of chalk paint in pure white...
 ...and now it has a home in my son and daughters bathroom.
 Another antique chest  that I made over for our master bedroom.

 I also added a new tufted headboard in here.

 I took this mahogany nightstand and painted it a fun bright color "Antibes" for my youngest daughters room.
Her room went through some more changes this past summer when I found this pretty cane headboard...

 The pretty pie table my mom found for me was made over in Versailles and now has a home in our living room.

I've been working on giving our master bedroom a lighter look and still have a few more things that need to get done...but I gave you all a peek of the makeover to the highboy right before Thanksgiving...
   After the new hardwood flooring was installed   we bought a new sectional for our family room and my favorite project was turning our coffee table into a comfy ottoman with the help from my friend Linda!

Last but not least was the new lantern from Ballard we added over the table in our breakfast area...

  Well that's it for 2014 ...
looking forward to starting a few new projects in the new year!
Wishing you all a very Happy & Joyous New Year!!
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Southern Hospitality-Best Projects of 2014
Metamorphosis Monday 
Top Posts of 2014 Link Party 
The Scoop 
Inspire Me Tuesday 
  Savvy Southern Style
Amaze Me Monday


1 Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Wow, you had a lot going on at your house this year, Martina! It all looks beautiful. Seeing your new bathroom countertop makes me think we will have to do the one in our master bathroom soon. Probably this coming year if I can talk hubby into it.

Looking forward to seeing what projects you may have in the coming year.

Happy New Year!

2 Laura @ duke manor farm said...

Martina, you had an amazing year! Happy New Year

3 ANNE said...

You were so busy!!! I love all the pieces you found this year - especially that piece in the bathroom (and that gorgeous mirror).

Great makeovers, your home looks even more beautiful than it did.

Happy new year!

4 Carol@6WilsonBlog.com said...

Martina! What an incredible amount of work!! And it all looks gorgeous, starting with those lovely floors. Have a wonderful new year, I hope it is a good one!

5 Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Wow, you really made some fantastic changes last year. I love those floors and the painted pieces all look fabulous too.

6 Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I loved watching all of the changes you made this year! Wishing you a fabulous 2015!

7 Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

You did have some great projects. I know you are loving those new floors. I hope to someday do that upstairs.

8 xinex said...

You have a beautiful home and made it even more gorgeous, Martina. Happy New Year!...Christine

9 DD's Cottage said...

Busy year Martina-love all your projects and your home!

10 Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

Oh my Martina...you certainly had lots of great projects this year!...all were so beautiful !!...so looking forward to what you will be up to in 2015!!!

11 Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

Such a productive 2014! Looking forward to 2015...

12 AntiqueChase said...

What a fabulous year you had! Happy New Year! Marcy

13 Alison @ The Polohouse said...


You accomplished SO much! Everything looks wonderful and I am in love with your wood flooring.
YOU have mastered the AS paint application thing! Your pieces have transformed into butterflies!

Congrats! Are you taking 2015 off? You probably need to REST!


14 Marigene said...

You have a beautiful home...that green night stand is awesome!
Happy New Year.

15 Debra@CommonGround said...

Beautiful projects, Martina! LOVE those gorgeous new floors!

16 Unknown said...

You have accomplished so many things this year Martina and all are gorgeous! You inspire me!
Huge blessings to you in 2015 der lady,

17 Positively Southern said...

LOVE everything you've done this year! Gorgeous...all of it!

18 Debbiedoos said...

You had some beautiful projects Martina! I love your floors. They made a world of difference in your home. Happy, Healthy New year to you.

19 Deserae said...

Wow, you were very busy this year and accomplished soooo much!!!! I feel so lazy now! LOL...Love your wood floors, they are gorgeous :o)
Happy New Year!!!

20 Scribbler said...

I do believe you win the prize for being the busiest woman in blog-land! That is quite a list of accomplishments this year. Pat yourself on the back and go put your feet up and have a glass of wine!

21 Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Wow Martina- you've been a busy one with your painted projects and you do such a good job too! The hardwood flooring turned out beautiful- that was a big undertaking!

22 Cindy said...

Wow - have you been busy this year. Love all your makovers. You do a great job with your painting Martina.
Happy New Year.

23 Iris Abbey said...

Wow, you had me at your flooring -- and then you went on to additional beauties. Congratulations on an extremely productive year and the beauty that now enfolds your family. Just lovely. I saw your link at the Southern Hospitality party. Ann Marie @ Iris Abbey www.irisabbey.com

24 The French Hutch said...

Oh my goodness, I see why the year flew by for you, you were so busy with beautiful updates for your home. I just love the hardwood floors you installed, they make such a difference. Love the highboy makeover in your bedroom, just gorgeous. Thanks for the recap, it is always fun to look back. You've had a great year Martina. Wishing you and yours all the best in 2015!
Happy New Year.

25 Sarah said...

Martina, you've been a busy girl! Oh, my, but you got a lot accomplished! And it is all beautiful. I know your family is proud of you and all that you did to make your home warm and inviting.
Happy New Year!

26 Celestina Marie said...

You accomplished wonderful projects Martina. Wishing you and yours a very Happy New Year and all the best in 2015.

27 Junkchiccottage said...

Happy New Year Martina,
Wishing you great health, happiness and much more inspiration and creative projects in the new year.

28 Karen said...

You've been one busy lady! and you got a lot of beautiful projects done. New flooring is major, and all of your beautiful touches just make it all perfect. Have a wonderful New Year, looking forward to sharing with you in 1015.

29 angie said...

their pictures are beautiful !!! love greetings and happy 2015 !!! angie

30 Suzanne said...

You had a very productive year! Everything looks so pretty. Looking forward to following along in 2015. Happy New Year!

31 Miss Kitty said...

I'm in amazement of how much you were able to get accomplished in just one year! Your home looks so very lovely...congratulations on a job well done!!!

32 ornate splendor said...

Whew! What a great year, Martina! So many projects, and all so lovely. Wonderful job on everything. The new floors are beautiful, and the painted furniture is to die for! Well done! Catherine (latest follower of your blogging adventures!) :)

33 Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

You've accomplished so much in 2014, I'm looking forward to seeing what 2015 will hold! Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

34 foreverdecorating said...

A fantastic year of improvements.

35 Cheap Dining Room Sets said...

Thanks for this post! Some great inspiration here!
Table And 4 Chairs
Denver Furniture Stores

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