Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Blooms Sweet Blooms

We are finally getting gorgeous weather here in NY the past 3 days has been in the eighties! All the trees are really starting to bloom and it looks so beautiful, especially after the winter we had! Yesterday I spent all afternoon working in the yard doing some much needed clean up, and of course I had to stop to take some photos to share with you :)

This is one of our flowering plum trees that we have in the front of our house. Mr. Northern planted all the daffodil bulbs around the trees a few years ago and each year they get fuller and fuller.

          Forsythias that we planted in our wooded area in the front.

                                 Daffodils in the front island

Just planted the patunias in the urn we have in our back yard, I can't wait to see them in a few weeks.

We planted these three Yoshino Cherry trees in our back yard about 5yrs ago, by this weekend they should be in full bloom.

             The bees were buzzing around me when I took this one.

All photos were taken using my Nikon D5000 and some were softened using picnik.

Thanks so much for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed my little tour, Martina
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  1. You'll never see pictures of my backyard because it is barren. Yours, however, is gorgeous! I am so jealous!

    Your forsythia, in particular, is beautiful. Forsythia is one of my favorites. I hope you use some cuttings inside!

  2. What a beautiful back yard... So happy to hear that you have good weather.. All it has done here is rain, rain and more rain... I'm sick of it...have a good day


  3. Oh my goodness your yard is simply beautiful. How wonderful to look out and see those pretty trees all in bloom!! I am new to your blog. Glad I found it!!

  4. Your yard is looking beautiful...all we've got down here is alot of rain and flooding :(

  5. Your yard is just stunning Martina and I'm trying very hard to not be jealous of your wonderful weather! :-)

  6. Your home and gardens and yard are beautiful. I just found your blog this morning and am your newest follower. I invite you to visit my blog.

  7. Your trees and flowers are stunning. I love all the beautiful variety of things that you can grow. The desert has such limits. I did plant some petunias, they do well. Yours are fabulous in the urn. Hugs, marty

  8. Your yard is amazing! What a view!!

  9. Your garden is beautiful! I think cherry blossoms are my all-time favourite flower. Enjoy your lovely weather. x Sharon

  10. Nice to see some blooms I bet Martina! Your yard and trees are just gorgeous!

  11. Can't believe how fresh and new everything looks. We have green grass finally but have had so much rain that the gardens are just mud. Your house is wonderful and the landscaping looks perfect! I love a well-manicured yard. I am assuming you didn't receive my second attempt at a Paypal invoice. I'm not sure what is going on with them...let me know if you want to continue with this hassle of a transaction! ~Ann

  12. That freshly cut green grass in the last shot makes me happy. I love beautiful lawns. Glad you are having nice warm temps now.

  13. Hi Martina! Your backyard is gorgeous! Some beautiful snaps here.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  14. Hi... I live in the Hudson Valley also (Fishkill)!
    Take a peek at my blog please!

  15. Beautiful blooms, Martina!!

  16. Hi Martina, your yard and trees are absolutely gorgeous! What a beautiful view you have.

    Have a wonderful day,


I love reading your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by, Martina