Tuesday, April 26, 2011

One Change Leads To Another

Happy Monday everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful Easter and weekend! I am pooped but so glad to be back! How many of you out there are like me when it comes to making a change, and once you make one it always leads to another! Well that's what happened after we finished our latest project the kitchen island. I had this valance in my kitchen that I purchased from country curtains a few years now. I still like it but wanted a change. I couldn't find anything that I really wanted for in here so I found material in Hobby Lobby that I really liked and I used my favorite natural ribbon from there too and had a valance made. Oh how I envy all you out there that know how to sew! I took it to our dry cleaners and the owner is also a seamstress, I explained the look I wanted and this is what she came up with. I love it and the best part is she only charged me $25!! I think I did good.

                                         Here's the Before

                                      And here's the After

Another change was my rooster rug that I had in front of my sink. I love it but being black I was vaccuming it everyday sometimes twice a day because it showed everything and that made me crazy! So I decided to go with a natural fiber rug that I ordered online from Rugs USA and I did a runner this time. Sorry for the poor before picture.

Thanks so much for stopping by, I always love your visits and sweet comments! Have a great week, Martina

Linking To: http://savvysouthernstyle.blogspot.com







  1. Nice valance, Martina. That is great that you had your dry cleaners person make it. Love the webbing and nice rug.

  2. I love the burlap on your valance. And the new rug. Your kitchen is beautiful!

    Welcome back. :)


  3. You wouldn't think so in a kitchen, but that runner really makes a big difference, Martina! I like it, especially for the warmer months with the lighter color.

  4. I love the valance! I've been planning to make something similar for my kitchen. I have 3 windows though, so I keep procrastinating!

  5. Love both the runner and the new valance. They look wonderful and the colors are perfect. Hugs, Marty

  6. The rug and valance look great. I really like the jute webbing on the valance.

  7. That's what I'm doing today.. painting and working on the kitchen.. have a great day. loving the valence.


  8. They both look great Martina! Love the valance and the rug is perfect! And yes, one thing ALWAYS leads to another! lol

    Lou Cinda

  9. Yep!...you did good with the valance and the runner! Both changes are perfect, plus you will have LESS work with the mat in a natural shade, please, I hate to vacum!!!
    Hope you had a nice Easter.

  10. Hi Martina! I am loving your changes and totally get what you are saying about the snowball effect in decorating. :-) Your new window treatment and rug are just beautiful! So, now what's next?? LOL!

  11. Lovely valence and i love that rug Martina! I know what you mean about the black...having pets here that would show everything. I love sisal rugs they hide it all and look beautiful.
    Love your kitchen!!

    Pamela ox

  12. lovely lovely - it is so light and FRESHENED now.
    That runner rug makes all the difference!

    well done girlie!

  13. This is such a great refreshed look. I am just figuring out that it doesn't have to be a major reno to make a difference! Very nice...~Ann

  14. That is awesome Martina! I love the color, it really goes nicely in your kitchen.

  15. Looks great, Martina! What a great idea to bring it to your dry cleaning person. I can't sew either... never thought to check with the dry cleaner. Thanks for the idea :) Oh, and I like the lighter rug, too.

  16. Small changes but a big difference. At $25, that valance was a bargain and it looks amazing!

    That rug is perfect, too. I am in the market for a rug like that. I will have to check out that website!

  17. The new valance looks wonderful and goes perfectly with the new runner in front of the sink. It really lightens up your kitchen for summer. I know exactly what you mean about one change leading to another. It reminds me of the childrens' story, "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie".

  18. I prefer your new valance!I think you did good too!I love your kitchen.Hugs,

  19. Your valance is lovely. The jute trim gives it a very French feel and the runner ties in beautifully. I remember telling you to relax during your break. It seems you ignored me! :) Welcome back. x Sharon

  20. The rug and window treatment are wonderful, Martina.

    It's always one thing leads to another at our house too.:-)

  21. Love the rug and valance, both make a lighter, brighter kitchen for you!

  22. Your changes to the kitchen look fresh and springy Martina. I know what you mean about one thing leading to another! Fun changes for you in your kitchen.
    Have a great day.

  23. Hi Martina,
    The window looks great! I just love changing out my window treatments. It looks real pretty in you kitchen!
    Marianne :)

  24. I LOVE it!!! What a great idea!!!!
    I love, love the valance!!!
    And the new rug, perfect!!

  25. Hi Martina! I love both of your new pretties - your valance and the rug! You're so smart!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  26. Looking good...great looking window treatment and rug!!!


  27. It looks great and the rug was the perfect choice.


  28. The new curtain and rug look nice, less vaccuming is a good thing too. I think you will like the chalk paint once you get over the sticker shock.

  29. Your new valance is beautiful !! And, the rug looks wonderful, too !! I'm sure you won't miss having to vacuum it once, if not twice, a day !! Thanks for sharing, Becca

  30. Love the valance, but then I love the older one, too! I know what you mean about the dark kitchen rug ~ mine has a dark green background ~ and I have white dogs!!!

    You have a beautiful kitchen. Thanks for sharing!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  31. Hi Martina, Your changes are wonderful! I love the valance and rug. Thanks for joining my Open House party.

  32. Is that upholstery webbing on your new valance? It's a fun addition! I know what you mean about a dark background rug- it can be a pain to keep clean because it shows every piece of lint. I have a solid red throw rug in our back hall- it shows everything. I think I'd be much happier with a neutral runner like yours. :-)

  33. Looks great. Love the new valance and the rug. I know what you mean about the black showing everything. And you are right one thing leads to another. Funny how that happens. Karie

  34. Hi Martina! Just coming back over to thank you for linking up your lovely kitchen changes to the Inspiration Friday party this week!

  35. Love the valance, you have a good eye for decorating! Come on over to The Cranky Queen & join in on the Mother's Day Giveaway! Ends May 1st...thanx for sharing...linked up with u via French Country Cottage,Tiffany

  36. Love your pretty valance~ it's perfect for your window and love the rug too. What a pretty kitchen- love seeing it again! Thanks for sharing at FNF :)

  37. I like both the "before" and the "after!" I hear you on the black rugs - I have two in the kitchen and a living room rug that have black as the main color and goodness ... I'm vacuuming constantly. Your new rug should really wear well! You did good!


I love reading your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by, Martina