Friday, August 19, 2011

An Unexpected Break

Taking the next few weeks off due to an unexpected run in with mother nature!! I had mentioned once before after my dad passed away we had a mother-daughter set up done downstairs for my mom. I love the fact that she is here and my kids get to be with her every day. She is such a big help to me with the kids especially when it's time to drive them around, that could get a little overwhelming but I go one way she goes another! 
Now back to the run in with mother nature. The other day we noticed the rug in the hallway a little wet. When the hubby lifted part of it up he saw it was coming from under the wall near her bedroom. When we had the downstairs finished, the contractor made a sub-floor so her whole apt. wouldn't be on concrete, she would be on plywood like the rest of the house. So now this water is under the sub-floor which means everything has to be moved out of her bedroom and the whole floor has to be ripped up to fix the problem. 
That's not all if the water is seeping through the foundation the whole side of our house has to be dug up to fix it correctly so this doesn't happen again. To say I am stressed is an understatement!! I'll be checking in with everyone day to day, you guy's will be the one's to keep me sane! Just won't have time for posting. Please say a prayer for us that the water didn't travel into her other rooms and that there's no mold growing. I'll keep you all updated on our progress. Before I started to write this I went downstairs to take a picture of her pretty bedroom to show you but the hubby had the bed apart already:( 

Now I couldn't just leave without throwing in a picture of a small update I did a few days ago:)  I had these pictures in my master bath for years. I still really like them just got tired of the gold frames they were in. So out came the paint and glaze and Voila... good as new!

                    Hopefully I'll be back soon!!



  1. Oh Martina, I hope all goes well and the damage is not too bad. Good Luck!I'll say a prayer for you.

  2. Oh no, Martina! Here's hoping it is just a minor clean-up type thing and you find where the leak came from. It sounds like you've probably caught it before it got bad.

  3. I pray that all goes smoothly. Blessings.

  4. Oh, no, Martina. How awful. I hope it isn't that extensive. Take care.

  5. OH Martina, I will be saying some prayer for you and your home. Take care, we will be here, just give a shout if you need some therapy!

  6. Martina, So sorry about the leak and I hope it gets resolved soon! We will look forward to your return.

  7. Martina I am so sorry to hear about your water damage. I can only image how stressful it is, I was going nuts while we worked on the new floors.
    If it turns out to be a leak in your plumbing you might think about contacting your insurance company. Hang in there.

  8. Oh this is terrible. Just keep telling yourself, this to shall pass. We will be here when you get back and oh what a story you will have to tell. Here's a hug!


  9. Oh this is horrible Martina and i really hope it all works out in the end!!! Water damage can be the worst but hopefully it will not be as bad as what you think!!!
    Pamela xo

  10. Oh Martina, I'm so sorry!! What a hassle! I hope it all gets fixed soon. I'll be thinking of you.

    Take care,

  11. Oh, Martina! I'm so sorry to hear this and hope there won't be too much damage! Love what you did to those little frames. I some little 'bathroom art' by this same artist in my guest bath. I just may have to do the same thing to those frames.
    Be praying for you!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  12. How dreadful. I have to say you sound completely sane and steady. I would be totally nuts. Hang in there and good luck.

  13. Oh I am so sorry for the water problem. I so hope it isn't really serious and can be fixed quickly. Deep breaths is all I can recommend. Hugs, Mart

  14. Oh I'm so sorry to hear this awful news...hope it's not too bad when they get in there. I should have painted my frames before I sold these same prints a few years ago...your look so fresh:)


  15. Martina, I just prayed your you and your water problem! I am so sorry. We will be looking for your return!

  16. Aw, Martina, I am so sorry to hear this distressing news. That is a costly thing to have to do and it takes so much time and effort. My heart goes out to you. If you get it done right, this should never happen again, I suppose, that should make you feel better.
    Love and hugs, Cindy

  17. Hope it all goes well and is done quickly!!

  18. Goodness, my friend. No wonder you are stressed! I hope it all turns out ok and we will be here when you get back to blogging. Lots of love Sharon

  19. Oh Martina....that stinks...sooo sorry for you guys, what a pain in the neck...I've got my fingers crossed that it is contained to that one room....good luck and talk to you soon....xo, love what a little white paint can do...frames look great..

  20. So sorry, Martina! I hope it's not too serious! However, I LOVE your new frames. xo

  21. gosh.. so sorry. I'd be stressed too. I hope it doesnt turn into a huge project for ya'll- I mean any bigger than it already will be..
    Our water heater rusted out on the bottom- ya know thats one thing ya cant move and sweep under lol.. anyway we had no idea it was rusting out till one morning I stepped into the hall into an inch of standing water . living room hallway and dining all flooded. we had a real mess for a couple months ripping out -drying out- replacing and moving things back in.
    keep us updated as to how things are going please.. wishing you the best and a speeding recovery from this.

  22. OH NO! Martina, I am so sorry you are having to deal with all of this and will be praying that there is no more damage and everything can be fixed up quickly! Hang in there my friend! :-)

  23. I'm so sorry this happened. We've had water leaking from the upstairs that warped some of the downstairs walls, but never anything this bad. Good luck on minimal damage once they remove the floors! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for your sanity too! Just kidding, I'm sure you'll be fine.

  24. Hi Martina, so sorry about the water situation - yikes! Hope is it cleared up with minimal disruption. It's wonderful that your mom can be with you! Linda

  25. Good luck! Been there with the mold.


I love reading your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by, Martina