Thursday, August 25, 2011

"Shedding New Light" and an Update

 Just a little update of where we are today and how much damage was actually done. There was more damage then we thought! This is what my mom's bedroom looks like today and this is where we thought it all started but it wasn't. The water came into my mom's living room and traveled under the wall into her bedroom. That goodness it stopped before making into her walk-in closet. We have dehumidifiers on and they dried it all up. This is a picture of the sub-floor ripped out.

 There was a little bit of mold starting, but it was only on the wood that was ripped out.

This is a picture of her living room before the plastic was picked up, you can see the water under it. Having the plastic under the sub-floor is good and bad. It's good because it helped stop the water from traveling farther, but bad because it holds the moisture.

   We're lucky it didn't travel into the dining room!

Now onto something a little prettier! With the contractors here there is not much we can do, so my mom and I needed a little out yesterday. I finished picking up the last minute school supplies and then we made a quick stop in Home Goods. In the last year I've been so lucky finding such pretty lamps in their and yesterday was another lucky day for me. Let's take a look at this beauty I found for only $40.

Here's a before picture. Pretty but I wanted something a little bigger.


                                A night shot

I've always had a thing for a pretty lamp, how about you?  Thanks so much for stopping by and thank you for all the kind comments and e-mails you've sent on our run in with mother nature. Your support means so much to me:)  Martina

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  1. Thanks for the update Martina! Sorry you have to go through this ordeal, however it will be all fixed in no time. Beautiful shots, I love the lamp! Perfect.

  2. Love the lamp, Martina! Yes, I have a thing for a pretty lamp, and a couple pretty pillows and a pretty little accent chair, well, you understand.

  3. Love the lamp...the lampshade is so pretty! Sorry about all the water damage...I'm sure you will get it cleaned up soon.

  4. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear about the water damage. It looks like a lot of work...hang in there.

    I like your lamp and the night shots make the area look so warm and cozy. By the way, the outdoor space looks so pretty and green. ((Hugs)) ~Liz

  5. I hope you are able to get everything fixed quickly!

    Love your new the chunky base!

  6. Beautiful lamp! It looks great on that table. And I'm so sorry about the water damage. Ugh!!

    Take care,

  7. Wow Martina, I am just now catching up with you and finding out about what has been going on! So sorry to hear about it and all the worry and work you are dealing with!

    On another note. I love the lamp and the shade! Beautiful!

  8. I'm so sorry about that awful water damage. I've had to deal with that before as well and it is very stressful.

    I love your beautiful lamp, it's perfect in between the two chairs. Love the table cover too.


  9. I'm so sorry about that awful water damage. I've had to deal with that before as well and it is very stressful.

    I love your beautiful lamp, it's perfect in between the two chairs. Love the table cover too.


  10. Oh, Martina, I am so sorry that you are having this problem! It must be so tiring!
    On your happier note, I do love your new lamp and the pretty setting you have it in! What a great sitting area!

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles. We were flooded I January so I feel your pain! I'm sure everything will be back to normal soon.

    Best wishes,

    Ps I forgot to say how much I love that lamp! It's gorgeous.

  12. Oh wow...that is a lot of water. I hope you can get it all up without a lot of damage.

    I have a thing for lamps, I just love soft lighting. Your lamps are just beautiful. I haven't been to Homegoods in SO long, I need a trip. I will definitely check out the lamps!!


  13. Love your pretty new lamp! It's hard to beat Home Goods!

  14. Sorry to hear about your storm damage....thank goodness the water didn't travel farther! Keeping my fingers crossed that your mom is back in her space very SOON!

    Love your new is just perfect! Such a beautiful vignette :o)

  15. So sorry to see the damage that the water has done.
    Your new lamp is lovely, it has more presence and is perfect in that space. I'm sure that made you feel somewhat better. I feel for your poor mom, though.
    Hugs, Cindy

  16. There's nothing like a bit of retail therapy to escape from less pleasant things. I love your new lamp. x Sharon

  17. We are going through the same ordeal, Martina. My mom's toilet overflowed and she did not tell us. We onlyfound out when we felt water in the hallway which seeped through the wall from her bathroom. We are working with a water mitigation guy right now and he is trying to see if he can match our oak floors. They are old and I am afraid they don't carry them anymore. I love your lamp!...Christine

  18. Wow! What an ordeal for you all to go through! A pretty lamp is always a great pick me up though and your new one is just gorgeous Martina! :-)
    Hang in there,

  19. So sorry to hear about the water damage. Hope everything will be back to normal soon!
    Beautiful lamp and vignette nice to have something bright and beautiful. Such a cozy spot!

  20. gosh, so sorry ya'll had that damage. Looks like you're getting it fixed though.. thanks for letting us know..
    I ADORE that lamp.. its perfect in that spot and sets the mood in the room, that was already beautiful and now is beautiful'er.. yea thats a word in SonnySpeak lol....

    see ya soon

  21. The whole sitting are is stunning. So sorry about the water problems our old house roof leaks all the time and we just live with it.

  22. LOVE your new lamp - and the proportions of it are perfect! I am so sorry to hear about what happened with the water damage - it sounds like a nightmare!

  23. Your new lamp looks perfect there, great choice! I too have a weakness for beautiful lamps, so I appreciate any and all. So sorry to see the water damage. So many folks in our state have suffered flood damage as well. Best to you! :)

  24. Your new lamp looks great ~ it fits the space really nicely and looks so pretty with your chairs!! Take care ~ JoAnne

  25. Oooh! I love that lamp! I so wish we had a HomeGoods store around here. I'm sorry to hear about the flooding in your house and praying it will all be back to normal soon. Thanks for stopping by my kitchen post last week! :)


  26. Thanks for linking up to Open House Party! I so appreciate it...see you next week I hope!

  27. I join the others expressing sorrow for all you have been going through. Hope all will be back to normal soon. Love that sitting area in front of the window.

  28. It looks like you are making great progress. Such an ordeal to go through and such a mess. I know you will be thrilled when it is all repaired and done.
    Your new lamp is stunning and I love that table and the two chairs. That is such a beautiful setting and your vignette is gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  29. Oh no, I'm so sorry, what a mess! i hope things get back to normal sooner then later!
    I love the lamp!
    Hang in there!

  30. Hi Martina sorry about the water damage. Your lamp is so pretty.I love the night shot. It looks gorgeous. Hope you stay safe with the hurricane.


  31. Water damage is the pits!!! I am so,so sorry you are having to deal with it, Martina. I think your lamp and lampshade looks absolutely fantastic! Your living room is so beautiful.


I love reading your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by, Martina