Sunday, May 22, 2011

Our Little Man's Big Day!

Yesterday was our son Will's 9th birthday! We started the day with his favorite pancake breakfast and then we were off to his soccer and baseball games. After that we took him and one of his best bud's out to lunch. Today's the real fun with his friends.We're having a party for him at a batting cage. He can't wait!!

                                      Here's my little man!

                              And here he is with his sister's.

                              Victoria is looking at her daddy

Now they're acting silly because my hubby is making faces at them ( or maybe at me lol)!!

           HAPPY BIRTHDAY Will we love you so much! xoxo
               Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  Martina


  1. Awww! Your children are adorable. Happy Birthday to Will & I hope he has a blast at the batting cage party.

  2. What a great family Martina...have a wonderful day. Enjoy these kids...they grow up and before you know it you have an empty nest! Happy Sunday...~Ann

  3. Happy Birthday to the handsome guy!!!! All three of your children are adorable and cute as can be. Have a super day. Hugs, Marty

  4. Beautiful kids, Martina! They are s ocute! Happy birthday to the handsome little guy!...Christine

  5. Happy Birthday to your handsome little man. What pretty girls too.

  6. Your children are so beautiful. And happy birthday to Will. Enjoy them while they are young!

  7. You have some cute kids :) Great pictures!

  8. It was my daughters Bday yesterday....7 years old. We too made her favorite breaky...crepes, coloured pink =) Hope your son has a wonderful day!

  9. Happy Birthday to a very handsome 9 yr. old little man! Oh, Martina, you have beautiful children! Sounds like a lovely day.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. Martina - your little guy is so very handsome!

  11. Martina, what pretty kids. Happy birthday to Will. My sister's son is named Will, too.

  12. Oh, your children are gorgeous! Happy Birthday to that handsome little guy! My almost 6 yr. old granddaughter is Victoria too, I love that name, it has so much personality and class, I think!
    Lots of hugs.

  13. Oh, sorry...Victoria is going to be 7! I just realized I'm not at your side bar blog list ...snif, snif,

  14. Happy Birthday to Will! He is a doll and so are your other two children.
    Great pictures.

  15. Oh, my son's name is Will, he is almost 26. I miss him being this young! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU WILL!!!

  16. What gorgeous children you have! My twin boys turned 9 last month. They are my youngest and I'm starting to get a little sad that they are all growing up so quickly. But it makes me treasure the special moments even more! Happy Birthday Will! x Sharon

  17. Oh Martina, they are beautiful...Happy Birthday to your son!!!...what nice pics.....

  18. Happy Birthday Will!

    What wonderful photos, Martina. Beautiful kiddos.

  19. What beautiful children you have! I love the pic of your little man by the tree. Oh and you will LOVE the chalk paint!!!


I love reading your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by, Martina