Thursday, July 2, 2015

Share Your Style #20

Hi there friends...
I can't believe this is already week 20 of Share Your Style!! 
Feels like we just started this party yesterday!
This weeks host is Lynn from 
The Vintage Nest Blog
 to the 20th SHARE YOUR STYLE party!

 We are grateful to each and everyone one that joins in the party each week.  You have made it such a success! Your inspiration and style is such a pleasure to see. This week, your host is me, Lynn, of The Vintage Nest blog. I have not done much stylin' this week as all my family is coming for a visit for several weeks and I have been preparing for and freezing meals, cleaning, trimming up the yard from the Spring overgrowth, painting, planning a 4th of July party,  and just so looking forward to seeing them.  I thought I would just share with you a simple dish I plan to make that involves all that delicious corn that will soon be coming into season.  Sourced from a little community country paper we receive each month
 It's easy and so yum!!!!

******(cook's note:  1 pint is 1 reg. size canned corn)

When you share your link with us, it will go on 8 blogs each week.....great exposure.

Now on to the party and features from last week.

And speaking of corn and summer recipes, Home is where the Boat Is gives a plethora of yummy summer recipes with gorgeous photographs to go with it.  You are bound to find at least one you want to try.  I know I did.  

We are having a large gathering for 4th of July but I hadn't yet decided on my table setting.  But now I have!  I have a large white tote and will be using our very own SYS hostess, Debra of Common Ground's post for my inspiration.  Thank you Debra,.....that's what this Share Your Style party is all about.....inspiration. :)

So many of us vacation at the seashore for our summer vacation, so wouldn't the kids love these darling beachy cupcakes for a treat one evening?
 Ms. Toody Goo Shoes tells us how to make them on her delightful blog.   

Fleaing France is In the Pink with her post.  So pretty....I wanted to share.  I think I need to start looking for an old bicycle I can paint about you?

Home to Cottage turned a dingy white Craigslist find into a charming beach themed table using "Wonders of the Sea' gift wrap.  Isn't it so cute!!?  


Please add a link back to our party on your individual post,  :)  And if you were highlighted this week, we would love for you to wear this button on your blog.  
Can't wait to see your style :) 
Let the party begin!!


  1. Martina, those sand and surf cupcakes are adorable. Makes me want one!
    Thanks for hosting and have a grand 4th of July!

  2. Hi Martina, love those surf and sand cupcakes. Darling little table set too. Lovely features.
    Happy 4th of July.

  3. Thanks for hosting, Martina. I will come back later to get inspired by the other posts. Enjoy the company!....Christine


I love reading your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by, Martina