Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Tole Container & New/Old Bench

 Hi there friends...
I think I need an intervention of some sort because I can't seem to stay away from the flea market or antique stores!!
I've been on a good luck streak every time I go...and everything that's come home with me I've gotten amazing deals on so I couldn't pass them up!
Take for instance this large tole was originally marked $100 and the owner of the space had it marked down to $30 because it was sitting there so long...
I got it for $25...(insert happy dance)!!
 I filled it with dried hydrangeas that I had in my storage room for over two years and they still look great!

 Next up was a freebie thanks to my mom...she brought this little beauty home for me...thanks mom I love it!!
Isn't this little bench so sweet...
I moved it in a few different spots but I love the way it looks tucked under my sofa table. 
   That's all for today...gotta go and finish up a painting project that I started!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Don't forget to link your new finds or projects up that show your style at "Show Your Style" here

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Feathered Nest Friday 
Amaze Me Monday 
Best of the Nest 
Savvy Southern Style


  1. With the luck you're having...and the bargains you're finding...who needs an intervention? They're gorgeous finds! Love the hydrangeas.


  2. All I have to say is WOW! Lovely finds.

    Well...I forgot Show Your Style. I will definitely have something next week. We are in full packing mode!:-)

  3. Hi Martina!Oh, your huge vase is beautiful and love the hydrangeas in it. How sweet of your mom to bring you the little stool!'re still painting! :)
    hope you're doing well.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. What a fabulous find....I love it filled with hydrangeas!!!! How sweet of your mom to gift you with the stool too. It looks perfect under your sofa table.

  5. You did have good luck on the toile painted bucket
    I'm glad to hear you have a storage room for left overs. Sometimes I feel I keep to much stored
    I love going to flea markets and finding treasures

    thanks for the show and tell

  6. What a find Martina and I love the little bench too!

  7. What great finds! I linked an antique find to Show Your Style...awesome link party!

  8. What wonderful finds! Love that container!

  9. The tole bucket is a fabulous find, Martina!
    And I'm loving your new party with the other lovelies!
    Mary Alice

  10. Isn't it amazing that dried hydrangeas look great after being stored. Love the toile vase/container. And that stool. Your Mom has a great eye for fashion.

  11. What a great looking old tole piece. Those are few and far between. It goes great in your home. Your little bench is cute, too. I am betting you paint it xo Diana

  12. The Tole container is gorgeous filled with the hydrangeas! And love that little stool. How sweet of your Mom to get it for you.

    Great finds!


  13. Lucky you, I really love the tole cache pot. Looks amazing with the hydrangeas!

  14. Martina, the tole cache pot is gorgeous. Great find! Who wouldn't love that sweet bench. So many ways to use a bench like that! Your mom is a sweetheart!

  15. Oh, my, what great finds!! Thanks for the party! I'm your newest follower; I hope you'll follow back or just visit. :) ~Zuni

  16. Such a beautiful find and the flowers give an extra charming touch. Love your new stool too!Have fun with your new project!

  17. that's a great buy on that pretty tole planter! you might want to keep shopping since you're on a lucky streak. That little bench is perfect under your sofa table too. That will be great extra seating if you ever need it too.

  18. You're right girlfriend, you are on a roll! I just love love love your tole bucket with the dried hydrangeas inside. So pretty as your table centerepiece! And the bench is just have one great mom!
    Wishing you (and your mom) a wonderful weekend!
    XO Barbara

  19. You find the greatest things Martina..and such a sweet bench from your mom!...Looks great under the table..
    Have a great weekend!

  20. Great finds!! I love the cute bench.


  21. That tole container is gorgeous. And the bench is very French and charming. You are one lucky girl.



  22. love love love your tole container! Plus the flowers. So pretty. sheila

  23. I love them. So cute. That bench is perfect.

  24. Martina, your tole container is such a find, and looks so pretty with the hydrangeas in it! And that bench...I have been on the hunt for a small bench like that to tuck under a console table, what a great piece. Thanks for sharing and linking up to Best of the Nest.


I love reading your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by, Martina