Sunday, July 29, 2012

Disneyland 2012 ~ Summer vacation Part 1

 Hi friends! 
   We're back from California! What a great vacation but boy am I pooped! We were on the go the whole 10 days we were there. The kids enjoyed themselves so much! I want to share some Disney pics with you. You know the magic of Disney even turns us grown-ups into kids again:)
   Bare with me, this post is going to be picture overload!!
  Victoria couldn't wait to walk through the castle. See that autograph book she's holding, she made sure it was full before we left! 
   Some pictures of the parade.
  Night time shots and the amazing fireworks display!

  Hope I didn't bore you with all these pictures!
I have so much more to share with you so stay tuned. 
Thanks for stopping by and have a super weekend!




  1. Oh one of my favorite places in the whole world. No matter how many times, it is always so much fun. Great pics and so happy you all had a super time. Hugs, Marty

  2. Your kids are darling and the absolute perfect age for this sort of vacation. I love Disney...I've been 3 times to Florida and would go again in a heartbeat! Welcome back...I missed you!

  3. How fun! I've only been to Disneyworld, but not Disneyland. Your children have the prettiest eyes! Looks like y'all had alot of fun there.

  4. Oh Martina, these were such happy fun photographs and I enjoyed each one. I look forward to going to Disney World with out grandson soon. How sweet Victoria has an autograph book. I had one as a child and I didn't know girls little girls still did that. I think it is just charming. What gorgeous children……

    ~The French Hutch

  5. Looks like ya'll had a Magical time.. cant wait to see and hear more about this adventure.

  6. Welcome home! It looks like you had a wonderful time. Such awesome photos!

  7. I love Disney so much! Glad you had fun =)

  8. Those kids are just beautiful. We all love Disney, too. It is perfect for a family vacation. Glad you are home- now get some rest! xo Diana

  9. Great pictures Martina! It looks like you all had a fabulous time!


  10. Welcome home Martina. I missed ya!~What fabulous photos. Your kids are so cute. What a great place, so magical. I have only been to the one in Orlando!~

  11. No wonder they call it the HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH! Great pics of the kids. They are so precious!

  12. The crowds look fairly light, and you snapped a pic with the mouse - that sometimes is hard to do. When I was a kid the general store had a big pickle barrel and my parents always bought me one on the way out. And sometimes I even got one of those big suckers.


  13. Welcome home, I missed your posts! So glad y'all had fun! The kids are soooooo cute, absolutely precious! xo ~Liz

  14. We are taking the kids to Disney at the end of the year so this has given them a taste of what to expect. Those fireworks are spectacular! X Sharon

  15. Welcome home Martina! Looks like you all had a wonderful time.

  16. It looks like you had beautiful weather, Martina! I'll bet you need a vacation from your vacation now! : )

  17. Great pictures and special memories.

  18. Looks like a ton of fun Martina! We are thinking of taking the boys there in the spring.

  19. What a fun vacation! Love the night shots..fabulous! Hugs...Debbie

  20. Your kids are gorgeous, I love Disney. These are great pics. thanks for sharing.

  21. Looks like you had an awesome time. I love Disney too!

  22. Looks like a fantastic vacation. Sure have missed you in blog land.

  23. Wow! Great night time firework shots! I haven't figured out how to get those right yet! Looks like a well deserved vacation!

  24. Looks like so much fun! Haven't been in several years. Disneyland always has the best fireworks!

  25. Hi Martina! Oh, I'm sure you all had a ball. Look at your beautiful children! How sweet they look. We took our kids to Disneyland way back in the 80s and I'll never forget it.
    I think I had as much fun as they did.
    Thanks for popping in to see me and get rested up.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  26. Your vacation pictures are wonderful! What a great place for a family vacation and making memories! Your children are beautiful!

  27. You have such beautiful children! So glad you and your family had such a wonderful vacation!

  28. Oh one of my favorite places to go!! LOVE LOVE LOVE Disneyland!!! Awesome pictures!

  29. Martina, It looks so magical! I enjoyed seeing pics from the other side! We always go to WDW in Florida since we're closer and hope to go next year! It does make you feel like a kid again!

  30. It looks like so much where quite like Disney...been perusing your wonderful blog - love the chalk paint tutorials!

  31. Fabulous photos, Martina! Who could be bored looking at pics of the most fun place on earth & happy children! Taking our children to Disneyland, Disney World & Epcot were some of our best family vacays, & still bring back very fond memories for all of us. Thanks for sharing!


  32. I have been to Disney World more times than I want to admit, but never to Disneyland....what a wonderful adventure for the kids and you too!....It's amazing how you can just leave all your cares away once you enter those gates...truly an amazing experience every time you go....What great memories you have made for your family!

  33. Ahhhh Disney one of my favorite places in the whole world! We usually go to Disney world it is a bit closer.But either way it is the most magical place for children and adults!Beautiful photos of your children.I remember when my daughter was there for the first time...just precious!


I love reading your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by, Martina