Friday, June 22, 2012

Kindergarten Graduation & Victoria's 6th B-Day!

I can't believe my baby graduated from kindergarten last week! I was so involved with her class this past year being the class mom and also volunteering in her class two days a week and with her being my last one to graduate kindergarten this hit me really hard:(
 Let's just say between me and my mom it was a good thing we had  kleenex on hand!!
 I set the gym up the night before which made the next morning much more relaxing.
 I ordered wrapped Hershey bars to hand out to all the little graduates.
 A poster board filled with pictures of the kids at all the events this past year. The parents really like seeing this.
 Here comes our little graduate:)  Let the water works begin!! I think the hubby filled up too!
 One of the kindergarten teaches that is retiring this year. All my kids had her and loved her, so I made sure I took a picture of all of them with her!
 Then on Saturday we celebrated Victoria's 6th birthday! She wanted a pool party with her friends.
 My little fish.
 We even rented a jumpy castle for the kids.
                     Fun was had by all!!
 I didn't post to many party pics in order to respect the privacy of the other children.
            Hope your all having a great week!



  1. Oh how adorable! Don't they grow up too fast? I can still remember my son's. It looks like she hada wonderful party too!

  2. How sweet Martina! Enjoy every minute because before you know it, they'll be all grown up and you'll think were did the time go. Congrats to your sweet little graduate!! Enjoy your weekend, Gail

  3. sweet! You're such a good mom. I love how nice everything looked for the graduation. And her party looks like it was a great success! You're so lucky to have your own pool. Your kids really favor each other. Your kids are in the same order as my siblings. I have an older sister (Kim), then my brother is the middle child, then me as the youngest.

  4. isn't she a beautiful child, what a great photo with the teacher as well, thats priceless, you did such a great job for the class, your daughter must have been over the moon to have such a "cool " mum,
    thta is such a beautiful pool. The kids must have had a blast, beautiful cake as well,
    Did I miss anything, ha ha , I love parties, and I also loved being the helper mum at school, so much fun!!

  5. Your little "fish" is soooo cute. And yes, they do grow up way too fast. I can hardly believe my twin grandchildren just turned 8! Before you know it they will be teenagers and not want anything to do with us!

    As always, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your sweet comments. They are always appreciated.

  6. Hi Martina,

    I know how you feel. Your children are adorable. Isn't it fun to be the class mother. How sweet that your children had the same teacher.

    A sweet Happy Birthday to Victoria.


  7. your children are adorable!! Happy Birthday to your little one.


  8. Oh what fun. Kindergarden graduation..I remember those days! Looks like they had a lot of fun. Good times!

  9. Oh, Martina, sniff sniff - our babies grow up! What sweet pictures and how nice you could get a snap of their teacher. Seems just like yesterday when my children did this too! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. Congratulations to your daughter! They grow up too fast. My daughter graduated from 8th grade today, so I understand the Kleenex all too well!

  11. You have been a busy mom. Happy birthday to your daughter.

  12. Awww...Martina, you have me all choked up. I remember like yesterday my boys graduating for K. Jack just graduated from Elementary and I took him down the K hall to see his teacher. I took a picture of the two of them and he is actually as tall as her. It was so sweet and she actually told him how she thinks of him often. I had to laugh when she referenced to what.....It is a pair of shoes she wears that he told her back then looked worn...OMG, only my kid. She said yes Jack they are worn, and I still love THEM.

  13. Another milestone in your family with many happy memories now. As my mom always told me, "enjoy these days because they grow up so fast." Looks like you're making the most of each day.
    Mary Alice

  14. What a beautiful family you adorable! Looks like it was a great party to celebrate too :o) Have a great weekend!!!

  15. Hi Martina, just absolutely precious. What a little doll!

    Thanks for leaving me such dear comments....I do so appreciate it and you.


  16. You have some good looking kids there Martina. All 6 of mine had the same kindergarten teacher and loved her, but we teased the last one..... he was the only one that wanted to marry her. Guess he liked his women older.


  17. What a fun time! Congratulations and happy birthday!

  18. They do indeed grow up so fast. Turn around and in a heart beat, they are graduating high school. My last child graduates this Thursday and it just seems like yesterday he was starting elementary school....sigh. Diane

  19. What a cutie! I love the way you set up the party. I know the little graduates were so excited! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  20. I didn't realize or forgot we both have 6 yr olds! She is so precious and what a great party. Do y'all use your pool a lot? We are thinking of putting one in if we can find somebody to do it in the price range we are wanting.

  21. Conrats and Happy Birthday to your little "fish"! Adorable!

  22. What a fun family weekend. Love that you went all out with the bouncy house as well. Those things are really fun. Thanks for sharing, liz

  23. How sweet, Martina! I love seeing pictures of your kids. You have such a beautiful family!


I love reading your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by, Martina