Monday, April 16, 2012

An Old Box meets Annie Sloan Chalk Paint

I enjoyed my little blog break and the fun family time we had while the kids were home, but reality sets in and now I have to get the kiddos back on schedule from having the last two weeks off! My two oldest were going to bed way to late and quickly got used to sleeping in. My youngest was even sleeping till around 9:30am! 
Now onto my latest little project....
 I've had this little box for ages, but it's been living in my storage room for sometime now. The other day I was getting some things together to bring to the consignment shop and this little box was in the pile to go. The light bulb in my head went off and I knew with a little paint I could make this little box look old and worn and so purdy!

 I am so glad I decided to keep her.
 I used AS Old Ochre on the whole box then added Coco to the outer edge on top and the little bit of trim on the bottom. Waxed, sanded, done!
 Love all the layers coming thru and the crackly looking finish it has now.
 Ha... my youngest found a new home for her Littlest Pet Shops! I love the power of paint! Thanks so much for stopping by and have a great week!

Between Naps On The Porch
The Delectable Home 
Coastal Charm~NTT 
A Stroll Thru Life 
Cowgirl Up Party 
Shades Of Amber 
Savvy Southern Style
Kristen's Creations  
At The Picket Fence
French Country Cottage


  1. I love the way the box turned out and with the little bit of red showing through. So pretty!

  2. Nice job Martina! That's so funny, I just finished making over two very similar boxes. Great minds...

    Have a wonderful Sunday,

  3. Martina I love how it turned out as well! All the crackle its perfect!

  4. What a cute little box and perfect for a makeover, Martina! Love the new look!

  5. That looks so pretty Martina. Great addition to the table too.

  6. Love the box,great post! Joann

  7. Hi Martina, I love the newly painted box! It looks perfect sitting in it's new spot.

  8. Love what you did with that little box. Just perfect and if your little one keeps those tiney pieces inside and off the floor ~ even better. They hurt when you step on them. I know ;-)

  9. Wow Martina, love the transformation.

  10. Martina, I think they ought to rename that paint "Wonder Paint"! Honestly. What a difference it makes - love it! Linda

  11. Martina, I love it and love how the crackling shows up. I want to try the Annie Sloan crackle soon.

  12. Martina,
    Love how your sweet little box turned out.I sometimes have second thoughts on my donate piles too.Glad you had a fun break.

  13. Very nice, Martina. Great color choice. Glad you decided to keep it. I did something similar to a florentine piece.

  14. I love the "new" little box with the distressed paint. You did a great job of turning something pretty ordinary into something fabulous!

  15. Hi Martina, Your box turned out so good. I like how the red peeks through the paint. I always have a soft spot for boxes.
    Mary Alice

  16. What a pretty transformation on that box. That was a good idea to rescue it from the pile and remake it for yourself!

  17. This is so pretty, Martina! I looks like an antique. I love the crackle effect! Great job!


  18. I agree the box is a keeper and you made it so old looking with your paint technique. The crackle finish really sets it off.

  19. Your tiny box is simply delightful in it's new coat of ASC paint!
    Hugs, Cindy

  20. What a lovely transformation!!! This would make Annie herself smile I'm sure.
    Do you mind if I share on our private Annie Sloan Stockist Facebook page?

    Your friend
    The Empty Nest

  21. So pretty! Love the crackled paint :o)

  22. I love the box. Great use of AS paint. My kids go back to school tomorrow too. My daughter went to a sleepover party last night...apparently they didn't go to sleep until 6:30am and slept until 11am when I picked her up (she is only 11). She was a mess for the entire day and went to bed at 7:30!! Hopefully she will be back to normal tomorrow.

  23. I love the way the box turned out. You did a wonderful job painting and distressing it. It's a keeper for sure now.

  24. Wow! The box looks amazing Martina! The new finish is perfect and looks great on your table!

  25. Lovely transformation. I'm glad you enjoyed your break. I think we all need one now and again to get re-energised! x Sharon

  26. Hi Martina, what an AMAZING transformation. I LOVE the crackled finish!!

  27. A very sweet box, Martina! Coco is my next paint color purchase.


  28. Great idea, and the box looks perfect now! What did we do before chalk paint? :)

  29. Visiting from Between Naps on the Porch.

    Another fellow mom whose daughter loves to put her LPS in little containers,


  30. Oh yeah, that is a better, better after!


  31. That turned out beautiful Martina! Love how it looks.

  32. Martina there is nothing I love more than to see ASCP projects. Your box turned out beautifully!! Love the colors!

    I have a $100 Gift Card Giveaway from Soft Surroundings if you would like to enter!!

    Art by Karena

  33. This is adorable! You did a great job. I love that it still has that worn and weathered but well loved look. So cute!

  34. It's really very pretty. I love it Martina!...Christine

  35. Hi Martina,

    Wow! I love the transformation. It's such a wonderful looking box.


  36. Hi Martina,
    Thank you so much for visiting me, its a pleasure meeting you! I have enjoyed reading many of your posts today. Your little box turned out so great! I really love the red coming through. I think it was a brilliant idea! I have become your newest follower.
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  37. That's a charming box and really works perfectly where you've placed it. Sounds like you have a stash of AS to layer on two colors. It's very inspiring to me. Also, thanks for stopping by to see Celeste's kitchen. BNOP makes such good introductions. Jane

  38. I love it Martina! You captured to perfect patina and it shows off the details so wonderfully! :-)

  39. Wow, Martina, it looked okay before, but now it looks so very expensive and like something that would look great in my house!!

  40. That box is great. Love the cracklyness of the paint.

  41. Love your box redo! It looks so pretty now. Paint is powerful!

  42. Love the way your box turned out. It has so much character.

  43. The box is wonderful and I love the vignette on your table. Everything looks gorgeous!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  44. Fun little transformation! Don't you just love paint?! Thanks for linking up.

  45. Martina, this box is gorgeous. I love the crackle finish! Wonderful!

  46. That is a good after. What a cute little box and this was a good way to give it an update.

  47. Hi Martina! You're just so good! The little box turned out wonderfully.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  48. Martina, That box is very pretty! I also love that whole area... beautiful decorating!

  49. I love this Martina....the red peeking through and the crackle is perfect!

    And I really REALLY want your sofa!
    Just sayin'

    Lou Cinda ")

  50. You have been nominated for "The Versatile Blogger Award" from The Decorating Chica. This is a fun award that requires you to nominate 15 blogs that you feel are versatile. In addition, you get to list 7 fun facts about yourself. Learn more at

  51. So glad you decided to keep it Martina. It looks lovely now. Btw, my teenager slept until 3:30 during Spring Break! LOL!

  52. I have a little box that I've been trying to decide what to do with next. Yours turned out great!

  53. I love your little box. I have got to find a ASCP dealer near me and get painting.

  54. Oh goodness, that turned out so cute! I would love to invite you to link up at our Friday Block Party at Curb Alert! Such a pretty transformation, I have got to get my hands on some ASCP!
    Thanks, Tami @ Curb Alert!

  55. Great idea, and the box looks perfect now! What did we do before chalk paint? :)


I love reading your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by, Martina