Saturday, October 29, 2011

SNOW for Halloween!!?!

We told our kids to remember this day because it is going to be the talk for a long time! Our area has never seen this much snow in October. The forecast said when this is all over we might have anywhere from 8 to 14 inches of heavy wet snow! You know what that means, power outages!

                                 Looking out my front door.


    We just cut the perennials down around this tree yesterday.

         A little frost on the pumpkin, LITERALLY!           

                                Looking off the back deck.


How's the weather where you are? Are you getting snow for Halloween? Wishing you all a safe and Happy Halloween!



  1. Oh my goodness...snow already? It is really early for that even if you do live up north! lol...I hope you are somewhat enjoying it is beautiful. However, it's sunny and 70 here today, I need to be outside before the cold gets here!

  2. These are amazing images. So excited you shared them. Wow. that poor pumpkin....

  3. oh my, its so early to see a scene that like.
    Ya'll stay safe and warm.

  4. It is sunny, cool, and windy here today, but your snow is really pretty. So fun seeing this even though y'all may not like it too much.

    I spoke with my mom in the Pittsburgh area and she was watching the snow fall there as well.
    I don't know how we missed it, but I am grateful.

    That is so odd! These photos are amazing though.
    My husband lived in Orange County in a small town called Washingtonville NY when he was little.
    Your area, the Hudson Valley, is so beautiful in the fall, the changing colors and all.

    Snow should not be a part of that picture!

  6. I heard about this snow storm. Such wacky weather. Hope you don't lose power...Happy Halloween!

  7. Oh my goodness! It's beautiful, but i'm not ready for that yet :) Today, we're wearing shorts and sweatshirts. Lovely, Fall weather here.

  8. Oh my word, that so reminds me of when we lived in the mountains in Oregon. Way too much snow this early. No we have been in the 90's here in the desert and are excited that our forecast is calling for the 80's. That will seem fabulous to us. Should be around the low 80's to even the 70's about now. Wish you were here. Hugs, Marty

  9. wow oh wow! I'm at a loss for words. We have never had snow this early nor probably ever will. I think it's neat though that y'all did. I just hope it doesn't ruin your trick or treating.

  10. That is so crazy! Hopefully it will melt soon so that you don't have to shovel! We almost always get a light dusting of snow up here, but so far no flakes....thank goodness because I haven't bought winter boots for my kids yet!

    Hoping you keep your power on~Yvonne

  11. It's so beautiful but I'm glad it's you and not us. :) The weather has been sunny and in the 60s here today.

  12. Hi Martina...

    Your place looks just like mine! We got about 10" of really wet, heavy snow a few days ago. All of our trees still have leaves...the poor things were drooped over so bad from the weight of the snow. We lost a few branches. I was really worried that we would lose power too, but we didn't! Thank God! Anyway...all that aside...I think it's beautiful! Truly a winter wonderland in October...go figure! Hehe! Bet your kiddos loved it!

    Stay warm, dear friend!

  13. This is so crazy... I noticed that the robins left here at the beginning of Sept. Not a good sign of what's to come... Looks like its going to be a long winter... ):

  14. Wow that's some crazy weather!! Can't believe you are getting so much snow so early! Hope you don't lose power..we had an ice storm a few years ago and spent three cold nights in the house gathered around the fireplace. My hubbie has since bought a at least we will be prepared next time. Your pictures are beautiful though! Happy White Halloween!!
    Thanks for your sweet visit!!
    Miss Bloomers

  15. Oh, my, goodness! The snow looks beautiful, but it just doesn't look right to have snow on a pumpkin! We are expecting a frost tonight in South Carolina. I went out and picked everything that I could from the garden. This frost is early for us, too.

  16. That's the thing about snow, it is lovely...oh so lovely, until the power goes out! Hoping your power company is ready for this early snow. Thanks for sharing it. Helen

  17. I know this is a shock for you, Martina, but it really looks like a wonderland! We had beautiful sunny weather in the 50' snow in sight! It looks like it will melt soon...enjoy!


  18. Oh my goodness! I do remember having snow on Halloween before (when I was a kid). It's a memory that's for sure! I'm shocked that you got it & we didn't get any here.

    Hang in there...hopefully it'll melt fast?

  19. The snow looks beautiful and makes me start thinking of how close the holidays are even though this snow is early. Have fun and enjoy this surprise!--Shannon

  20. Very cold here, but no snow for us!!! Beautiful pics...really hard to think about snow in October!!!


  21. OMG, Martina! You got quite a bit! Thankfully, we haven't seen a flake yet here in Ohio, but I know back in NY they got some snow yesterday. It varied from place to place, from what I read. Never heard of that happening this early in all my years living in NY!

  22. Can you say "2011 Christmas card photo"? Stay safe

  23. So pretty, love the frost on the pumpkin! No, we are expected to have the 70's for Halloween. But remember we made it through our hot Texas summer, so we deserve a nice Halloween. I wonder what winter will bring this year.

  24. Wow! I just saw that on the news this morning! Hope you fare well and keep your power through the snow storm! Take Care! :)

  25. Goodness, how pretty it all looks. We don't really get snow here except on the mountains so it's a real novelty. I wonder if this means you are going to have a long, cold winter. Happy Halloween x Sharon

  26. Brrrrrrr!! It looks beautiful, but so early!! We had flurries yesterday morning here in NC, but then the sun came out. It got to 25 degrees last night here.

  27. Martina, I live in Nova Scotia, Canada, and today we have had rain, then ice pellets, and now wet's crazy everywhere!! Happy Halloween!

  28. great pics!!!! it was so crazy!!! it was cool to watch the snowflakes from my apt!


I love reading your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by, Martina