Monday, October 24, 2011

~Autumns Beauty~

We had a beautiful day here in NY,  the temps were in the sixties! So after my son's baseball game I decided to take a little walk around our development, camera in hand of course!  Our foliage wasn't the best this year due to all the rain we had last month. The colors are usually so bright and vibrant, but I did manage to get in a few pretty shots. These were all softened in Picnik.

Standing in my front yard looking across the street at my neighbors.

This one I was standing in my driveway looking at the neighbor to the left of me.

 Hope you all had a wonderful weekend filled with sunshine!

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  1. Beautiful, Martina! The fall colors are showing up here. We are looking forward to some wonderful weather in the next few days here in the Carolinas!

  2. You did get some beautiful shots, Martina. I love fall colors.

  3. I was just noticing the leaves around our home have really gotten more colorful too. Hard to believe that,soon, they will be gone. My husband said he wants to wait until after the leaves stop falling to put out fresh pinestraw. I hate that our yard will then be brown while we put out brown straw too. ha! Oh well. It needs to get done before the winter months. I'm sure you really savor this time of year before it gets so cold where you live. Your Fall pics are very pretty.

  4. Beautiful! Our trees in Louisiana are just beginning to show signs of Fall!

  5. You have such pretty color already. We have been having gorgeous weather here and the leaves are just starting to change.

  6. Pretty pics, Martina. Your color is better than ours right now.

  7. Your photos are so beautiful. I have to say that I will miss the fall leaves back in pa and now in south Carolina.

  8. Oh Martina, your pics and the foliage are stunning. So pretty. I love the large expanse of lawn also. Gorgeous. Hugs Marty

  9. Pretty Fall color. Our trees aren't quite as far along, so I'll enjoy yours. Thanks and have a great week.

  10. Beautiful fall color. I remember the gorgeous color in upstate NY when I lived there several years ago.

  11. You found some beautiful trees! You live in a very pretty area, always nice to have trees around you.
    Hugs, Cindy

  12. Your pictures are so pretty Martina! I love fall colors on the trees. Your view is gorgeous!

    Have a great week.

  13. Gorgeous the rich vibrant colors :o)

  14. Gorgeous! We are just beginning to have a little color. Have a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  15. Autumn is such a beautiful season and your pictures really do it justice. You live in a very pretty neighbourhood! x Sharon

  16. Gorgeous pics, Martina! I'm envious of your views ... we don't have the lush Fall colors here in Myrtle, and I truly miss it. Thanks so much for sharing ... those pics would be fabulous Fall wall art!

  17. Beautiful color, Martina!

    We don't have much here in NE MO. So happy we spent time at the lake. Even though it is only a couple of hours south the color was so much better than here at home, this year.

  18. Your trees look like our neck of the woods! Lovely.

  19. Martina~ gorgeous fall foliage! Great pictures. xo ~Liz

  20. Ours wasn't the best either Martina but ours was from the wind we had, just tore off the leaves before they could finish turning! Yours are beautiful, love the picture with the road in it!

  21. thank you for the lovely autumn walk!

  22. Fall in the Hudson Valley is beautiful! Your pictures are lovely and I like your new blog look!

  23. Wow! I cannot believe how much those trees have changed already, Martina. They are so beautiful! Ours are still all green....Christine

  24. these are so pretty, I have to say that when we went back east for the fall folige we loved upstate NY as much as Vermont, who knows maybe we were in your neck of the woods?

  25. Just beautiful photos Martina!! Loving this weather before the snow starts coming:-)

  26. such gorgeous fall photo''s my favorite time of year!

  27. Martina, you got those perfect shots! Very cozy in every way.

    Greetings from chilly Stockholm,

  28. Gorgeous photos Martina! We have had very little pretty foliage this year. I think the 100+ temps we had all summer just took it out of them! lol I know how they feel!

    Lou Cinda ;)


I love reading your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by, Martina