Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Teacher Gifts

 It's that time of year again, the end of the school year. Boy how this year flew!! I always give my kids teachers gift cards, but this year their getting a little something along with it. Thanks to my friend Debbie @ I'm copying one of her creative ideas!!

 I loved this idea. Painting plain clay pots with chalkboard paint and adding a stencil to it. Then I hot glued a little twine around the rims.

               Aren't they cute! I think I'll be making one for me too!

Now that I got that done I am going to sit and look through this. My favorite magazine!
Hope your week is off to a great start! It's been pretty hot here, today it hit 90!!  As always I look forward to your visits, Martina



  1. I learned a LONGGGGG time ago...make myself one! Otherwise, you never get back to it. And then you have none of your own creations. And that is a good one!

  2. I'm right beside you at Wow Us Wednesday! Love these little pots. Is that a new Country French? I haven't seen it recently...usually Lowe's has them. Have a great rest of the week...

  3. I love them Martina...I love them more than mine! You are a good copier indeed!

  4. Those are so darling Martina! The teachers will love them. And I just saw the latest Country French as I was leaving a store the other day! I need to go back and pick one up now...thanks for the reminder! :-)

  5. Love your pots, Martina and I looked for that magazine yesterday. I must find it. I have all the older ones. Thanks for joining the party.

  6. great job on the pots, and that is my favorite magazine too, I LOVE it, only wish it came out more than twice a year!

  7. Martina the flower pots are simply beautiful!! Great gifts for friends in the hospital as well

    I am hosting A New very Exciting $250 Giveaway from Tracy Porter

    Art by Karena

  8. Your kids teachers are going to be so thrilled to get these lovely gifts. Our school year only finishes in December so I have lots of time to store up all these creative ideas for teachers from fellow bloggers! Have a lovely day. x Sharon

  9. First Debbie, now you! Your pots turned out great, I love them! I've been thinking about teacher gifts as well (although we don't get out until the 23rd) & I just may steal this idea from you girls.

  10. Those teachers will be very happy...those turned out great! I think bloggers give me the best ideas!!
    Have a great day...try and stay cool!

  11. Neat project! I don't have teachers to give gifts to anymore. :( My kids are in middle and high school and parent stop doing that stuff around here after elementary school. But,that doesn't mean that I can't make them as gifts for friends! Looks super nice.

  12. Your flower pots look super cute! Lovely idea for a teacher.
    Hugs, Cindy

  13. These are darling! :)


    P.S. I love your blog. I'm following you now.


I love reading your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by, Martina