Wednesday, May 4, 2011

~Needing a Trim~

 The red barberry bushes in the front of the driveway needed a haircut badly! I'm obsessed with things like that, I like all my shrubs and bushes to look neat. You'll find me walking around the yard with my little snipers trimming things up all the time but today I had to break out the big guns, the electric hedger!

               This is what they looked like before their haircut...

                                         And here's after...

        Just waiting for my fountain grass to come up on both sides.

I know the daffodils are blocking the bushes, but they won't be there much longer.

   How about you, are you obsessed with things looking just so too?


  1. Martina, I love your driveway entrance. So pretty. I wish we had room to do that, but we don't. We have this stupid ditch. I am the bush trimmer here, too and just started doing some of that in the last few days.

  2. That looks beautiful what a grand entrance, we just did some TLC on our front yard now I need to add some color to the flower beds.

  3. Hi Martina...

    Oooh...your yard looks sooo pretty, Girlfriend! I don't know if I have ever seen red barberry bushes...sure are pretty and even prettier yet after you gave them a manicure! Hehe! Things are still trying to green up here at my place. We're still having spurts of cold weather on and off. Just wanted to stop by to say's been awhile since we've visited since I've been on a break! Hope that my note is finding you and your family all doing well!

    Warmest spring wishes,

  4. Love your home landscape! Mine needs desperate help this year.

    Happy to meet you VIA welcome Wednesday! I hope you will stop by, as I am your newest follower!


  5. Your entranceway is beautiful, especially after their haircut!

  6. Everything looks so pretty! I am obsessed with certain things, like the pillows on the sofa for instance. DH is obsessed with outdoor things...he's the one carrying the clippers around trimming every piece of grass out of order.

  7. You did the same thing with the pavers at the end of your driveway as we just did. I love the end of your driveway with the landscaping. I've gotta show my husband this picture. Thanks for stopping by and for the invite to the giveaway. I'm going to sign up for it.

  8. Looks very clean and tidy! And the weather looks beautiful too! :)

  9. Ooooh, what a gorgeous entrance! You did a good job with the electric hedger, now come do mine please.

  10. I can't believe how green everything is...we are just beginning to get buds on the trees here. Trimming bushes is hard are obviously experienced! I love everything neat and tidy like you. I just figured out if I click your pictures they get should post a tutorial on how to do that! I'd love to know...~Ann

  11. Martina, love your enter way... I just bought my flowers for my window boxes was going to plant them today and now I have to wait a couple of more days doing to get cold tonight...


  12. Beautiful landscape! It's my first time to join. Here is my entry. See you!

  13. Thanks for visiting me at my site this week! I'm now following you as well!! I love your blog. your house is gorgeous, inside and out. So happy to meet you! :)

  14. Lovely entry to your drive - we were out this past weekend cleaning the sidewalk flower bed - spring is in the air!

  15. Such a beautiful, inviting entry to your home. Blessings, Debbie

  16. first I have to say how beautiful your entranceway is. You've inspired me. I need to do a little trim work on ours too.

  17. Your entranceway is all tidy now. Very lovely landscape.
    Joyce M

  18. good morning Martina...what a lovely front yard and home you have...beautiful....I too need to get out the big guns and attack my barberry bushes...(those things hurt!!!)...thanks for to see how the ladies I follow live on the outside too...:)...ttys....Mariaelena

  19. Your yard and landscaping are beautiful! I do like things to be just so but they don't end up being that way very often (could it possibly have anything to do with too much time spent on the computer - no, of course not!). Our yard needs a lot of work if it would ever stop raining! Thanks for sharing your beautiful home!

  20. What a beautiful yard you have! Everything is so nicely manicured. Loove it!

  21. Really beautiful photos!
    So glad to have found/followed your wonderful blog!

  22. Your garden and driveway looks amazing. So neat and tailored and your lawn looks perfect. Your talents clearly extend beyond the inside of your house! Have a lovely day x Sharon


I love reading your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by, Martina