Friday, October 17, 2014

Doing the furniture shuffle

 Hi there friends...
I've been doing the furniture shuffle in our master bedroom and after seeing the new arrangement I don't know why I didn't think to do it sooner... 
(insert hubby rolling eyes)! Oh ye of little faith...he loves the new arrangement too!
Ignore the empty space above the chair...on the hunt for new artwork.
 I moved the hubbies highboy to the wall that had my dresser on it and moved my dresser to the wall that had the I confusing you yet?!?
We like having a TV in our room...I actually like to go to sleep with it on I just set the timer.
It used to be on a stool next to the with it on the dresser it makes for better viewing.
 I took the three ironstone plates that were over my bed and hung them over the TV...can you tell the domino effect is happening here lol!

Here's a photo of the old arrangement you can even see the highboy in the mirror. Oh yes and I have plans to reuse the mirror somewhere else;-)
 Now it looks like this...
 I LOVE the new arrangement! 
More changes going on in here and it involves stay tuned!

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Treasure Hunt Thursday
Grace at Home 
Feathered Nest Friday 
Sunday Showcase 
Tweak it Tuesday 



  1. What a great job you have done with the new arrangement! We too love our TV in the bedroom and for months I've been pondering taking the mirror off the dresser and just throwing the TV right in it's place! The mirrors...WOW...I positively adore them! Thanks for so much inspiration!

  2. That looks great! I flip-flopped our bedroom last year and wonder why I didn't do it years ago. Love you new set up and I like watching TV in bed at night, too. It brings me "down" and lets me decompress from the day. xo Diana

  3. It makes perfect sense to me! And it looks great. Our TV is over the fireplace in our bedroom. I HAVE to watch tv to fall asleep (timer set too) so having a tv is a must. I just never show it in the pictures lol.

  4. Looks the change!!! Your bedroom is so beautiful :o)

  5. the switching looks good-I know whenever I do a swather-roo I feel like I accomplished so much!

  6. Hi Martina! I love your new arrangement! Everything looks just so perfect.
    Take care and you're always a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. Looks better that way. Don't you love it when it works out.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Isn't rearranging FUN?! I love what you did ... the new arrangement is awesome!

  10. I adore those lamps! And yes, I do know that domino affect. I think every home blogger does! But I love to change things up. Keeps things fresh.

  11. omigosh what beautiful furniture! I'm so used to my ancient and/or painted Ikea pieces that I forgot how gorgeous furniture could be!

    Love the room!

  12. I like the plates above the tv and your room looks great with the exchange of the furniture! Can't wait to see the shade of paint you will use!

  13. Looks beautiful. Love the new arrangement.


  14. Love dancing to the "furniture shuffle"...the bedroom is so beautiful and I love the changes!

  15. Looks great! I love moving furniture arround and giving a room a fresh new vibe. Looking forward to seeing what else you have up that creative sleeve of yours Martina!

  16. Hi Martina, Love the flip. It looks fabulous and you are going to really enjoy the TV right across from the bed. I do the same thing with the timer.
    Love your dresser lamps and the new wall vignette.
    Have a nice weekend.

  17. I love the changes, Martina! Furniture shuffling is like having a whole new room, without spending money! You did a great job!

  18. Looks great! Sometimes all it takes to freshen up a space is some rearranging!
    xo. Leslie
    Segreto Finishes

  19. I like the new arrangement. My triple dresser is adjacent to my bed too with a tv on it. We would actually like to hang it on the wall above the dresser for better viewing though. We just haven't done it yet. I find that TV's in a bedroom need to be up higher to see while lying in bed.

  20. I love doing the furniture shuffle, gives a room a whole new look. I do like the highboy on the wall where you have it now... Makes wall seem larger. So it was a good switch.

  21. Beautiful Martina! Everything looks so lovely! XO, Liz

  22. I love the new arrangement, it is very open and gives great sight lines into the room.

  23. Martina,
    I absolutely love the way you paired the elegant (and fabulously beautiful) furniture with homey and comforting items like the big basket. It perfect. The color of the walls with the lights on is so inviting. I always like the colors you choose.

  24. Always exciting when there is paint involved. Looks pretty!

  25. Looks amazing! I love the lamps on your dresser.

  26. It looks great ; I love the classic and beautiful highboy and furniture : )


I love reading your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by, Martina