Thursday, August 9, 2012

Starting a New Collection

 Starting a new collection....demijohns! Something that I've been on the hunt for, for quite some time. I've bid on a few on ebay in the past and had no luck, I was always out bid and the ones the sellers allowed you to "buy now" were always over $300!
Well before we left for vacation I found two different sellers on etsy from France that were selling these two beauties! The two with shipping only cost me $110.
 The smaller one stands a foot high and is 7in. in diameter.

 The larger one stands 14in tall and is 8in. in diameter. I love the two tone wicker on this one.

 The larger one came with the original cork in it.

 The two shops were French Melody etsy shop and Maison Maudie etsy shop.  They shipped quickly, I had both of them within a week. I wouldn't hesitate to order from them again.
 Now the fun part, deciding where to place them!


At the Picket Fence
No Minimalist Here
French Country Cottage
From My Front Porch to Yours 
My Romantic Home
Cowgirl Up Party  
Savvy Southern Style
Coastal Charm~NTT  
Stone Gable 
Common Ground


  1. Oh they are gorgeous. I love them both and the two tone is really pretty and so unique. Great finds. Hugs, Marty

  2. It looks like you are on the way to a nice collection...very pretty!


  3. Great finds Martina! You would not believe what they sell for here. I just don't think they have caught on in this part of the country. I've been trying to sell 3 in my booth and I can't give them away!
    I don't care though, because I love them!

  4. They're fabulous! I keep hoping that I will get lucky and find one at GW, but I may give in and order from your sources!

  5. They both are very neat especially the bigger one with the original cork in it and the two tone of wicker!

  6. Those are both absolutely beautiful. I can't wait to see where you display them. I must go and check out those etsy shops.

  7. How lovely Martina! I can't wait to see where you display yours. I have most of mine in my dining room. Enjoy your day, Gail

  8. Lovely start of a new collection!

  9. Your demijohns are beautiful! Can't wait to see where they end up.

  10. Those are so nice! I know my sister will like them too. They will look great in your home. I only have 1. Shocking isn't it? I found it before they were the rage like they are now. Still paid alot for it too. I don't think they've ever been cheap. Ha!

  11. They are beautiful and a terrific beginning for a new collection.

  12. Martina, These are great. I know you will do something clever with them. Love the old cork. I do think you got a good deal. Thanks for sharing. xo Ginger

  13. They will be fun to decorate with, Martina! I even like them on your counter, maybe with a few additional touches. It sounds like you got a good deal on them!

  14. Wow, Martina, those are great and what a deal especially with shipping from overseas.

  15. Your demijohns are beautiful! Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.
    Mary Alice

  16. Those are just marvelous, Martina. Are you old enough to remember when we used them as candle holders in the 60s/70s and let the wax drip down over them? Who knew how popular they would be now? I LOVE your new collection- xo Diana

  17. Beautiful find! I love the pretty blue/green glass under the webbing.

  18. I love them both! I'm sure you'll find the perfect spot for them!

  19. Wow!!! Great finds, and from overseas.
    Can't wait to see how you display them.

  20. Beauties, indeed! They are absolutely gorgeous, love the color of the glass inside:) Thanks for sharing with us and for your sweet comment. Have a lovely evening!~Poppy

  21. Adore your collection, Martina! They have so much character!

  22. Oh these are beauties Martina! A new collection is always fun. A great reason to change things up a little.
    Great finds.

    The French Huth

  23. Yep, now you're down to the fun part!

  24. Oh they are great Martina....I would love one also...but I need to find it at GW for $3.00!! and you know what the chances of that happening!! Enjoy your new collection!

  25. Wow, those are a great find! I can't wait to see where they end up :o)

  26. Very pretty! I like that two-toned wicker one too, and the old cork is cool! Great finds.

  27. Martina,
    These were a great deal...I've been collecting a few for myself. Thanks for the visit and seet comment.


  28. Great finds at a great price! Thanks for sharing your source! I can't wait to see where you put them.

  29. Perfectly beautiful Martina!!

  30. You really got a great deal and they are in such good condition.
    Enjoy them!

  31. I have been watching the French Ebay, but I'm not sure about the exchange rate. Do you have any tips? Thanks for your recommendations. Great finds. I like the two-tone one too.

  32. Hi Martina, I love your new demijohns! They will be wonderful in your home.

  33. They are beautiful! I love that one has the original cork! And what a great deal!

  34. Gorgeous! They are outrageously expensive whenever I see them around here. Good score! Enjoy your new collection :)

  35. You have gotten the demi bug! I like them too, but have not one space to start a collection. What a great price!

  36. Looks like a great start to your new collection! They really are pretty.

  37. Hi Martina,
    Those are some great finds. I have been looking for those myself. Great new thing to collect, very pretty! XO ~Liz

    P.S. Thank you for the sweet comments on my blog! *smile*

  38. Wow! And I thought the one I saw in an antique store the other day for $42 was expensive (higher than what I had previously paid for mine). Maybe I should go back and get it. Love the glass color of them!

  39. Nice collection to start. I love demijohns. I've sold many. Maybe I should have kept more.

  40. I heart demijohns too. I purchased most of mine when living in Atlanta. There was an antique warehouse on Huff Road that sold these. Believe it or not, I was able to get them from $18.00 for small to $50.00 for large. Score! Too bad this great warehouse went out of business in 2008. I am a new follower. I hope you check out Uptown Acorn too. xo

  41. You'll have so much fun with your new collection. Love the different sizes, shapes, and textures.

  42. Those are really pretty demi-johns, and in great condition, too. You got a great buy. Linda

  43. I recently read a book about Italy and they said the demijohns were not corked. They pour a thin layer of olive oil over the top to keep the wine fresh, interesting! Laura

  44. I too am a collector of the "oh so sought after demijohns"! What a funny name for the bottles wrapped in wicker! Enjoy your collection. Tiffany

  45. Those are awesome Martina!!!
    What great prices too. You got a great deal. I have been looking for these for a friend and they are so hard to find them at a decent price!

    Lucky you!



  46. OK, I admit it, I am GREEN with envy. I only have one, FAKE demijohn:(:( Yours are beautiful, I love the 2 tones of wicker on the one too. GREAT deal!!!! XO, Pinky

  47. Martina,

    Those are so pretty! Did you see the collection Kim was starting over at Savvy Southern Style? She had some beautiful demi johns, too!


  48. Very pretty demijohns, you will have to show us what you are doing with them.
    Hugs, Cindy

  49. Hi Martina,
    What a great score!!
    These are just beautiful and in excellent shape, good for you! Enjoy them!
    All the Best,

  50. Great finds...I have just begun to buy demijohns too. I am so intrigued by them. I found mine on eBay but will check out those Etsy sellers. Happy Sunday!

  51. First off these are gorgeous, and secondly, thanks for a tip of who to buy from. I had a bad experience buying from a UK ebayer, in that the quoted price ended up increasing by about $25 afterwards, so I appreciate an honest seller.

  52. Hi Martina! Oh, I love these and they're just so pretty. I'm sure you're going to play with them all over your house.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  53. OH, now this is a collection I can get behind. Love it. Can' wait to see it all come together.Thanks for sharing, liz

  54. Hi Martina, they look wonderful. There is something so exciting about starting a new collection, isn't there?

    Have a wonderful day!


  55. I love them, Martina! They are perfect, and I love the color of the glass peeking out. What a steal of a deal ... can't wait to see where you place them!

  56. Thanks for sharing your new demijohns. Look forward to how you will display them. Great finds.

  57. Oh, Martina, these are wonderful!! I would love to get some more. I had one and sold it in my Etsy shop. I even have my hubby on the lookout for me!

  58. Big and beautiful demijohns. I found one at a flea for thirty dollars and passed it by...maybe I should have bought it.

  59. Hi Martina,

    I love your demijohns! I've wanted to find a couple of them as well. Have fun finding the perfect spot for them!


  60. Oooh - they're both gorgeous, but I love the one with the two tone wicker the best. Sounds like they both were a great score!

  61. Those are beautiful Martina! I need to find me a few as well but they are always too pricey for me. Thanx for coming to the party!

  62. Martina, look at those demijons in perfect condition!!!! What a find! I love them. You must be so pleased. Thanks for the tip to let us know where to find them!

  63. Oh Martina you totally scored! They are beautiful! Have fun trying to decide where you are going to show them off!!!

  64. Those are really beautiful! My mother always had them displayed in our home growing up.


  65. Martina,
    What great finds!


I love reading your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by, Martina