Thursday, May 17, 2012

Keeping the Bugs Out!

 I found these pretty nets in Home Goods over the weekend when I found the wicker storage trunk seen in my last post HERE. We eat dinner outside by the pool quite a bit in the summer. I always use aluminum foil to cover up all the serving bowls, now I can use these pretty things.
 A pretty solution for keeping the flies and bee's away from your food, don't ya think? Not bad for only $7.99 a piece!

 I bought the last two, but plan on going back to see if they get more in. I would love to find a few more!

         That's all for today.
 Thanks so much for stopping by!

Coastal Charm~NTT


  1. Those are nice! I have a couple of those myself and use them for decoration. They would be great to use outdoors though, wouldn't they?

  2. I'm jealous! I NEED these! Just kidding, well not really...but I am going to be on the lookout for some similiar. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Love those will find some fun ways to use them.

  4. These domes are really very pretty and so practical, Martina. You are lucky you found 2. I found 1 at TJ Maxx last year and never saw another one again and I love mine too....Christine

  5. Why can't we have a Home Goods? Not one in our whole state!

  6. Those are nice. I did not see those at our Home Goods.

  7. Yes they are lovely. I must see if our homesense has any. Much like your home goods.
    I have some wire mesh ones that are bright green. Picked them up at our $ store.

  8. Those are the prettiest bug keeper outers I've ever seen! lol

  9. Those are the prettiest bug keeper outers I've ever seen! lol

  10. It's fun to see these being used again. I can remember when I was a kid my mother used some made out of screening to keep the flies off pies. I love the looks of the ones you found. xo Diana

  11. Practical things are so much nicer when they look pretty too - like these! x sharon

  12. Martina, those are really neat looking and most important they'll do the trick! I'll be on the lookout for some, know I'll need them!

  13. So neat Martina! I'll have to keep an eye out for them!

  14. I have been looking for some bug covers myself but the ones I have seen were ugly; I love yours!!

  15. Very nice! I'm going to look for some of those myself.

  16. Those are a must have for outdoor dining and a very pretty solution. I have to stop by my Home Goods...I'm having withdrawal.

  17. Last year I saw these at TJMaxx and didn't get them :( Now I wish I would have. Hope you find some and me too!

  18. I have one of those and found it at HomeGoods, as well. I keep mine displayed on the refrigerator. I'm jealous that you have two of them!

  19. Martina,
    Love this!Looks pretty even when you are not really using it for it's intent.

  20. Okay, I've got a Home Good gift card burning a hole in my pocket and now I know what to BOLO for when I get over to the store. Those are nice, attractive, practical and reasonably priced--it can't get much better than that!


I love reading your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by, Martina