Saturday, February 25, 2012

Like they say.... Third times a charm!

At least I hope it is!! After using this color on the chest in my living room I've been dying to use  Aubusson Blue (Annie Sloan) again. I thought it would look good on the chest in my son's room that went from Red to Paris Grey and now Aubusson Blue all in a years time!

 Here it is in Paris Grey. It looked nice but blended in to much with the wall color.
Big difference don't you think. LOVE this color! Wish I could find more pieces to use it on.
 I love all the layers of paint coming through after it was sanded.

 His room is so bright it might be hard to tell, but this color gives a nice contrast against the wall color. When my kids came home from school yesterday they were like mom your painting that AGAIN!! They should know better by now;)
                        Have a great weekend!
Between Naps On The Porch
Shades of Amber 


  1. I love the color, and that is a great chest of drawers, too. I could really use something tall and slim like that in one of our small bedrooms!

  2. Of course, I love the blue, that is one of my favorites by Annie. Looks great Martina!

  3. LOL @ your kids! Mine left for school one day and I was finishing painting a room. When they came home I was still finishing painting it... just a different color.


  4. Great color choice! It looks wonderful & I love all the different colors peeking through.

  5. Like the color, nice contrast with the walls! Have a great weekend!

  6. Beautiful color, Martina! Does your son just laugh? :)

  7. Great new color Martina! Gotta love ASCP!!!! Have a wonderful weekend, Gail

  8. I love that colour too! great job!

  9. Been there, done that! And YES - they should ALL know by now - husbands, friends, kids. All of them should know by now! LOL!

  10. It looks fabulous. I love it, So pretty in his room. Hugs, Marty

  11. Looks great....what a wonderful color!!!! Have a great weekend!!!

  12. It looks great, Martina! It's a great color for your son's room, too. I'll bet that color would look great on a little accent table or stool. I'd say a trip to the thrift store is in order! : )

  13. You know I love that color and it looks nice having all those layers showing through. I think you and I are joined at the hip!

  14. LOL- Don't you love it when the kids look at you like you have grown a third head!?! The color is great on there- LOVE it! xo Diana

  15. Beautiful makeover! Aubusson blue is one of my favorite colors.

  16. I have not seen that color used before. I love it, and the piece turned out spectacular. I may have to get me some of that color.

  17. I love this color. I think what makes it look even more awesome is all the layers of paint you can see. Very professional looking. Great color. Thanks for your kind comments on my home tour. Have a great weekend.

  18. I love this, Martina! It's such a pretty color! I had to laugh over your kids...they always have something to say about our projects, don't they?!

    Happy Weekend!


  19. I love the shape of the dresser, Martina, and the layers showing through are very cool.

  20. Gorgeous dresser! and the colour is spectacular.

  21. Looks good Martina! LOL I had to laugh at your painting it three time in a year. You and Kim! Giggle.

  22. That turned out great. I think you and my sister could tag team each other for new painting projects! I always enjoy seeing them. They give me good ideas.

  23. Thank goodness there is no rule about how many times we can paint something! I love that color Martina.

  24. Great job! I would think by now your kids should be surprised if they come home and you're not busy painting something! Have a lovely weekend x Sharon

  25. Love the blue it is just perfect and also love, love,love your mom's ottoman that is just beautiful, that trim and that button are just so unique.

  26. Kids always notice the most funny things! Love the blue!

  27. I love the blue!! I think it looks great.


  28. Martina, I love the look of the blue with the white and wood showing through. That looks gorgeous! I hope you do find something else to use the blue paint on, it looks great!
    Hugs, Cindy

  29. Hi Martina,
    I love the new color, beautiful! One day I hope to try my hand at this, you sure do inspire me. Hugs,Liz

  30. Those colors coming thru after the sanding just truly set it off. love it. I just read the post of your mom's apartment..oh how very nice you can have her near. I loved her new things too. Smiles, Susie

  31. I really love paris gray.But I agree that color fits in better with that room color.I really love those colors peaking through.You did a great job!

  32. A lovely vignette and I must say I love your TV cabinet. I am still searching for an affordable (to me) dresser or sideboard to makeover for our basement TV room.

  33. Martina, I've been meaning to read your blog for a while now. I just now added you to my sidebar so I can continue reading. I loved the old color, but this one is awesome as well. I let a chest like this one get away recently...I didn't want to pay too much $$$ for it, but I need one for my guest room so I can put the tv on top as well. I'll continue looking for a chest but in the meantime, I will continue reading your blog. Hope you visit mine when you have some time. I'll be following you.


  34. Beautiful! I love that color as well. :)


I love reading your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by, Martina