Monday, November 14, 2011

To Paint or not to Paint....

It is so true what they say, one project always leads to another! At least in my house it is and I know I'm not alone here, right:) I finally finished painting the pieces in my family room in AS Coco and I am lovin this new color. It definitely is a warm color, that being said I feel like my fireplace mantel is to WHITE. So now the question is, should I paint it or leave it white? Here's a look of the room with  the newly painted pieces. It was hard to get it all in one shot.

I was thinking of painting it in either the Coco or French Linen. Maybe you guys even have another suggestion, I am all ears and I value all your help!

        To paint or not to paint...that is the question?



  1. Girl, you have got the painting bug! I would paint it french linen to add just a touch of color and make the details POP! :)

  2. When I saw the first picture I thought it was perfect! The dark surround sets it off perfect! That being said...I'm not a decorator!


  3. If you have white doors, crown molding or white window frames, I would leave it white. It's pretty the way it is and contrasts well with the wall.

  4. I prefer to have the fireplace mantle match the trim in the room. However should you decide to paint it I think it will look really fabulous :o)

  5. Martina,I'm going to go out on a limb and say paint it. Take a look at Kim's (Savvy Southern Style)mantel and you will see how beautiful a mantel with some color is. some time ago I posted my daughter's mantel - a chocolate brown. The difference was shockingly good when she painted it! Hey, the worse thing to happen would be to have to repaint it white. I think you have the right idea based on the painting that you have already done in that room. Look forward to seeing what you do! Linda

  6. Martina, it is a tough call. I think you will wind up doing it either way. You can always paint it back to white if you decide you are not fond of it. I would go with the french linen if I were to paint it:)

  7. I like it in the white. it really shows well on that wall..

  8. I think it looks fine white. Of course mine is painted and I love it. I just wonder if you should just try aging the white with a glaze or dark wax to accentuate the details of the trim. If you don't like it then paint over it.

  9. Hi Martina,

    Your room looks lovely...I would leave it with the way it is to match all of your other trim and doors...
    All the Best,

  10. I love many whites mixed in one space, if they are all neutral whites or warm whites I would leave it. I think it looks great how it is, everything doesn't need to be the same white.

  11. My vote is leave it white. It's beautiful. You have done a lovely job with this room. I liken this to a painting. Sometimes you have to know when it is done and not overwork the painting. I think I can say this about your room. Just my opinion. :)

  12. I like it as it is, too, Martina. Of course, I have a white mantel now in the new place and I love it. If you really want to change it up, I'd say go with Kim's suggestion of using a glaze or wax so some of the detailing will stand out. And, if you hate it, you can always paint it white again. It is just paint!

  13. It looks like your molding etc are white... leave it white... it is such a classic! It looks beautiful with EVERYTHING! How about painting the frame on your picture or painting the sconces. I have a white frame around my fireplace too. And it looks like we have the same dark greenish black marble/tile. I am faux painting mine a french linen. I think that might give your fireplace the look you want.
    But if you do not touch a thing... it is BEAUTIFUL!

  14. Hi Martina,
    What a lovely room. I can't decide, because it looks great now. I love your floors and the colors in your room, just lovely! xo ~Liz

  15. I love the white. It really gives great contrast to the wall and the rest of the room. Love the color of the furniture! xo

  16. Hi Martina! Wow, you're amazing - you've been painting your little heart out! I love the look of your living room and I love your fireplace surround the way it is. Maybe you could just stain of paint the little wooden medallion.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  17. I would leave it white, if your trim and moldings are white....

  18. of course on second thought, my trim and moldings are white and I painted my

  19. The great thing about paint is that it can always be changed. If your gut tells you to paint- then paint and if you don't like it, paint it white again - I know you looove to paint! Your mantle looks gorgeous by the way! x Sharon

  20. I have been using CoCo too on some pieces. I just happened to mention to hubby "what about the mantel?" He said no way. So for now, I am steering clear. But I do love the color have used it on four tables.

  21. Think I would leave it white! Awhile back I pinned a picture of your beautiful white fireplace because I love it so much!! Mine is still honey oak, and my caption was that I wished I had the nerve to paint mine white like yours!!

  22. Hi Martina,
    I love the coco color and your room is lovely. As for the mantel, I think it looks really pretty as is but reading through the comments many disagree. I think it all comes down to what you want.


  23. I really stink at making decisions like this so I'm no help at all! LOL
    I think it looks pretty as is, but I'm sure it will be pretty if you paint it too.

  24. If you decide to paint, I would keep this in mind. How will it look, not just in your room as a whole, but against the marble that it will surround? I would recommend you painting a piece of poster board or cheap plywood to hold up there and test the color before putting a wet paint brush on your trim just yet. Just to be safe. It wouldn't take much to give you an idea. Also, you could compare colors more easily that way. Mine is painted choc brown, but that is also because I have painted my interior doors brown and a transom window opening and I have the same brown in my bay window. So it feels connected. I feel that i could repaint my walls, but still leave it brown and it would make sense. Just food for thought before you re-paint. I am notorious for changing my mind about stuff. I guess that's why I'm always extra cautious. Whatever you decide to do, I'm sure it will look great! I'm choosing not to tell you what color you should go with because it would be impossible based on just looking at a picture on the computer.

  25. French linen would be gorgeous! Your living room with the new color on your pieces are really beautiful!
    Hugs, Cindy

  26. Martina I say go for it!! I redid our mantle much to The Hubsters dismay and we LOVE it! I will see if I can find the post where it shows the before and after. Maybe that will help you take the plunge!:)

  27. Here it is Martina!:)

  28. And if you do not paint it maybe just put some antiquing glaze on it. That could be a happy medium. Can not wait to see what ya do!:)

  29. i will be anxious to see what you decide, it looks so good now, but if you are thinking about it then you are probably wanting, and what the heck paint is the easiest thing to change right....just love what you have done in here


I love reading your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by, Martina