Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Versatile Blogger Award

I was so honored when Kelly from The Essence of Home nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award! Thanks so much for thinking of me Kelly!

           The rules for accepting this award are:
* Thank the person who gave you this award and add a link back to their blog.
*Select and link 15 blogs that you just discovered or follow for the award to go to next.
*Share 7 things about yourself.

Here it goes......
7 things about myself are....
1. Today is both my birthday and anniversary
2. I have 3 kids whom I love like crazy
3.I love to cook
4. I'm a control freak (things have to be perfect)
5. I am a hugh animal lover
6. I love to sing and I'm in my church choir
7. I LOVE sweets

      Now I'd like to nominate the following blogs for this award:

                           Adventures in Home Improvement
                            Savvy Seasons By Liz
                           Adventures In Decorating
                           DIY Design Fanatic
                           Dittle Dattle
                           Lakeshore Cottage Living
                           Happy to Design
                           Style Burb
                           Gails Decorative Touch
                          Tattered Hydrangeas
                          The Comforts of Home
                          Thinkin of...
                          Cedar Hill Ranch
                          Dwelling of the Heart and Home


  1. Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary!! What a day!! Have a great one!!

  2. Hi Martina~
    Happy Anniversary and Birthday to you! I hope you enjoy a very special day! Congrats on your award, you *so* deserve it. =) Also, what a sweet surprise to get your note that you are passing it along to me, thank you so much! XOXO ~Liz

  3. Thanks Martina, I appreciate the award. And it's fun to find out some more things about you!

    Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary!


  4. Happy Birthday to you. It's my Son's Birthday too :)

  5. Hi Martina...

    Happy...Happy Birthday and Anniversary to you, dear friend! Wow...I'd say that this is a day to celebrate! How unique and fun that both your birthday and anniversary is on the same day! Many heartfelt congratulations to both you and your honey on your anniversary!

    Well dear lady, you certainly deserve the "Versatile Blogger" award! I have sooo enjoyed meeting you...and getting to know you! I can't thank you enough for passing this sweet award on to me! Thank you!

    Warmest wishes,

  6. Happy Birthday and Anniversary to you Martina! What a special day today is for you. How sweet of you to think and pass the award to me. It was fun learning more about you!

    Enjoy your special day,

  7. Well I guess you got your award on the perfect day then! Ha! Happy Birthday!!!!!!! That's so great. Your wedding anniversary is today too? You've got some major celebrating to do then. Hope your day is wonderful.

  8. Thanks so much for the award Martina. And congrats and happy birthday to you!! I hope you have a very blessed day. Make those kids take you out for dinner!

  9. Thank you for sharing the Versatile blog award with me. It was fun learning a few fun facts about you.

    Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary!

  10. Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to you! A control freak? You? ;) It was fun learning a few more things about you. Thank you for sharing the blog award with me!

  11. Hi Martina, this is a huge day for you! Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary- you have lots to celebrate! Congratulations on the Award- you have a truly outstanding blog!

    Thank you so much for passing along the Versatile Blogger to me- you are such a sweetie and I am very honored! It's so much fun to learn some more about you and to see that we have some things in common. I also have three kids, love sweets and am an animal lover. I also love to sing, but unlike you, I'm not nearly good enough to sing as part of a group!!

    Thanks again!

  12. Congrats on your anniversary, birthday, and the award. I enjoyed learning more about you through your list.

  13. Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary! My mom was married on her birthday...she didn't like it much though...she said it was always a combo gift!
    Thank you for the award! Have a great week!

  14. Wow! Happy birthday and happy anniversary! Hope you did something fabulous today :) We've got something in common... I'm a church singer, too!

  15. Happy Anniversary and Birthday to YOU Martina! And, congratulations on your award! Thanks so much for thinking of me when sharing your award, so very sweet of you...made my day!


I love reading your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by, Martina