Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It's A Pet Partay!!

Hi everyone, I'm a Pomeranian named Toby and I am 14 yrs old. I know I look gooood!! That's because my mommy & daddy take good care of me and give me lots of luv!

Just hanging out watching my mommy cook and hoping she gives me a little treat!

                Relaxing here in the sun but needing some shades!

Come on now Lucy you had to find me irresistible, how about a long distance romance:) XO Toby

     Thanks to Lucy and Lucy's mommy for having this fun party!!

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  1. What a handsome fella your Toby is!!! My Ellie is a Malti-Pom.:)

  2. toby, you do look good! and young! your mummy is doing a great job! what a cutie!

  3. LOL..Yes Lucy is in Love..we can arrange the long distant thing! Toby sure does not look his age. Very dapper. Thanks for joining Martina!

  4. Oh, he's gorgeous. I can't believe he's 14.

  5. Awww, Toby is such a cutie, Martina....Christine

  6. Toby looks like a puppy. I would have never thought he was 14! He is very handsome!

  7. Hi Toby this is Beatrice its so nice to meet you you sure are handsome:)

  8. Toby is a charming fellow alright! I hope he and Lucy can meet for a Lady and the Tramp style Italian dinner at least!!!

    We have two chihuahuas who don't know they are dogs!

  9. Toby, you have to tell me what the secret is to your youthful appearance! It must be all the love in your life!!

  10. Your Toby is adorable laying there in the sun. If Lucy is not his cup of tea maybe he would like to meet my Zoey or Bella.

  11. Oh my goodness, Martina, you have to take a look at my post today. We also have a Pomeranian and he is 15 years old! Don't you love them? Libby

  12. Wow Toby sure looks young for his age, you have cared for hiom well. He is a beautiful dog.

  13. Toby is so cute!!He looks like a puppy .

  14. This is such an adorable post. Your dog looks so sweet!!

  15. Hi Martina! Little Toby is adorable and does look like a puppy! Chloe Dawn could send him her sun glasses.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  16. Toby is so cute and looks so young! Bijoux and Paris are pleased to meet him.

  17. Good evening!
    Your dog looks very good.
    It is very beautiful and I love it. It's cute ...
    ... Send endearment for a male.
    Lots of greetings, Soňa

  18. Hard to believe you and Libby have the same dogs a year apart, same breed same name..what are the chances of that?

  19. Aww What a sweetheart. He's looking really good. Lucy might have lots of competition!! Janet

  20. Toby you are sooo adorable!!! I love the name Toby too!!
    Pamela xo

  21. Hi Martina...

    Ahhh...your little Toby certainly is a handsome fella! Wow...14 yrs. old? He has been with your family for a long time! Just one of the kids...right? Hehe!

    Just wanted to stop by to say thank you for coming over and taking a peek at my spring vignette! I always enjoy our visits, Girlfriend! Thanks!

    Love ya,

  22. I love your little Toby. I have a little Pom too. His name is Scamp and he looks so much like Toby. They even have the same haircut!
    Darling! Aren't poms just the sweetest!!!!

  23. Ok, I was confused when I first got here. I knew that I had already commented on a pom named Toby, but there were more pictures. What a cutie both Toby's are. I remember the other Toby so well because he reminded me of my Benji (pom) that I had for 18 years. I lost him to cancer, and swore I would never get another inside dog. Was waaayyyy to attached when I lost my Benji. But....Sophie Parsons came along and needed a home. I thought I would never love another one as much as I did Benji, but I was wrong.

  24. What a doll Toby is, looks like a little *fox*!! And love your yard Martina, whoa such green grass and beautiful landscaping, I'm envious!

  25. I can't believe he's 14, he looks like a little puppy! Thanks for stopping by my blog and your sweet comment about Buster! I'm now a follower too:) Hope you will stop by again soon!


  26. I cannot let my kiddos see how cute your pooch is or they will beg for one. And if you go and read my post they beg and my husband gives!

    I linked up at Debbiedoos also!


  27. What a cutie, and looking very handsome for 14 years young!

  28. Toby is absolutely gorgeous! He IS well luvvvvvvved!!

  29. What a sweet dog! I love the picture of him on the rug sort of stretched out. He certainly doesn't look 14! Have a good weekend...~Ann

  30. Oh my goodness - what a darling. I wanted my daughter to get a pom - but she had something bigger in mind. Thank you for stopping by my blog and visiting Pence!

  31. Aw, Toby is lucky to have such loving parents and obviously a stress free life- looking good for fourteen! I'm your newest follower...visiting from Debbie's party. Please stop by- I'm having a pet portrait give away!


I love reading your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by, Martina