Wednesday, May 11, 2011

"Got Mulch"

We had 7yrds of black mulch delivered early this morning, so you know where I was all day until about 5pm! Most of our gardens we used decorative rock but there are still a few areas were we like to break it up with mulch. You might want to grab yourself a glass of ice tea because this is going to be a long one! "WARNING" picture overload!!
                                             Got Mulch

           I started with the center island in the front of our house.

We had this sundial from our first house and it has such a nice patina to it now.

                           This white birch is my favorite tree.

             Now I started to work my way down towards the back.

Last but not least I planted these patunias near my mom's entrance, can't wait for them to cascade over the stone wall.

I don't think I ever mentioned how my mom lives here. After my dad passed away my mom sold their house and we had our downstairs turned into a mother/daughter apartment. She has a 1000sq ft apartment that includes a kitchen, liv/din room, bedroom and a full bath. I'll show you guy's it soon! My  mom did all the running with my kids today otherwise this would have never been finishedI told you this was going to be a long one:o) I still have the side garden to mulch but that has to wait till this weekend then I'll show you!  Martina

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  1. Looks gorgeous Martina. You have a really nice big back yard too..lots of hard work there for sure, but so worth it when done!

  2. This looks incredible but I don't see how you could even move after all that! You are a worker girl...well done. Hope you can walk when you get up in the morning! ~Ann

  3. Wow, you have a really gorgeous yard. Don't overdo it!!

    Everything looks delightful, so gratifying when you get it whipped into shape.

    blessings, Nellie

  4. That is a lot of hard work. Looks so good. You have an island out front like I am wanting to do with our two maples out front. I want to connect them and add other plants and lose a lot of the grass there since it isn't doing good.

  5. Wow, you had a whole lot of mulching going on. Very nice! I especially like the island and the big rocks.

  6. I'm exhaused just reading this post. Beautiful home and gardens!

  7. Your house and garden are so beautiful! It looks like you live in a gorgeous neighbourhood!

  8. Enjoying your wonderful photos!!!

  9. That is so much work! It looks fantastic! Mulch makes everything look so new and fresh!
    Don't work too hard and enjoy your week!

  10. Oh my gosh, you must be exhausted! Just know that all your hard work paid off because everything looks so beautiful!

    How wonderful that you have your mom so close to you. My mom passed away about 4 years ago. Enjoy every moment that you have together! And especially every moment that she has with her grandkids. Such precious time!

  11. What a big job. Well done! I love your sundial and your lights along your path - very pretty! Have a lovely day. x Sharon

  12. This looks beautiful, Martina! So much work, but new mulch always makes everything look so neat and fresh!

  13. Gorgeous, Martina. We are still mulching, here! And planting..just when we say no more, we think of something else. Plus I was inspired by a photo in Barbra Striesand's book and J is mulling it over!!LOL

    Anyway, back to my original thought. Don't you just love how plantings look against a new batch of mulch. They just pop! You did great!

    Beautiful home and yard!

  14. We have tried to get my husbands Mom to move here, she just won't budge.

  15. Oh Martina, I feel for you! We put down sixty bags of mulch.

    Enjoy your day, hopefully not mulching!

  16. How great that Mom is with you...that just warms my heart to hear that...your place is sure beautiful and I'm so jelous of your perfect yard and great weather!

  17. Your yard and gardens are beautiful! I know all of the hard work you have put into them.

  18. There is nothing like fresh mulch! After it's in, and you're rested, rehydrated and refreshed :) Beautiful yard, trees and flowers.

  19. Wow, that is a huge project. But there is nothing that freshens up a garden like new mulch. ~ Sarah

  20. Oh my gosh Martina--I LOVE your beautiful yard!! And it all looks so nice and neat with the mulch and perennials popping up.

    The outside of your house looks as lovely as the inside!

    Have a great week!

  21. Martina, Your home and yard are beautiful and what a wonderful view you have. Thank you so much for linking to my party. Have a great weekend.

  22. Love, love, love black mulch. I need to go pick up a bunch of bags and do my front bed. I am a black mulch snob, I have to say. My neighbors on one side have red....ick....and on the other side they have what looks like to be cedar chips....I don't know what it is. Everyone should use black mulch in my opinion. Your yard is beautiful.

  23. Your yard looks fantastic! I know you are glad to get that job finished!

  24. Wonderful photo collection, everything looks like very beautiful.

  25. Hi Martina...I LOVE your mulch...we use the same color...My hubby said last night, "time to order the mulch" and everyone in the house let out a big.."UGH!!"...the older girls said.."we HATE mulch day"'s quite a job, but look at your lovely results....xoxo

  26. Oh my goodness, that's a lot of mulch!! Your transformation looks beautiful!! Looks like you need to rest after all that! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I already follow you, love your blog!!


I love reading your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by, Martina